How to grow out my hair!!


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Apr 10, 2014

Alyson R.

I wanna grow my hair put by the end of may, right now its a little bit longer than the middle of my back. How can I help my hair grow faster??

Apr 10, 2014

Marie R.

Mine grew a lot, well more than it did because I didn't use heat on it for all summer vacation and plus a little bit when I went back to school but honestly other than that I don't I you can...

Apr 10, 2014

Jess L.

You can't make it grow in faster but you can do treatments on your hair to make sure it grows in healthy and doesn't break.

Apr 10, 2014

Ali J.

This is going to sound crazy but it works...😂 I sound so weird right now okay so use oil preferably coconut or argon oil (not from a hair brand the natural kind from sprouts or other health food store ) rub all throughout hair every night for a week and after wash VERY Well (so you don't get greasy hair)with COLD water (as cold as you can stand) I am not even kidding I measures and my hair grew AN INCH in just that week! everyone probably thinks I am crazy I really wish I had taken pictures so I could show y'all a before and after!!