Such an empty feeling.!!


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Apr 8, 2014

Larissa T.

Who else feels so sad when you haven't bought any makeup/cosmetics for a while.?
I know I'm not alone on this lol🙋🙋🙋
I'm trying to hold off for a bit on spending money on makeup. It's adding up &&' have no place to store everything. but it's like every time I go to the store the "makeup isle" is calling my name. 👀😍👀
&&' I swear I need everything lol
ugh it's so hard.

Girls don't act like it's not like this w/ you lol

Apr 8, 2014

Linn L.

Yeah I go in to buy one item and come out with makeup ><

Apr 8, 2014

M G.

I'm the sam:/. I got an online shoppn problem /.\

Apr 8, 2014

Raylene I.

I was sitting in bed going through my arbonne catalogue and dreaming of buying the stuff 😞 I haven't boughten anything new in a while, wait I guess last week my mom gave me a Lancôme gift bag thing... But still I want more eyeshadow pallets and a mattefying powder and some more bb cream and lipsticks and mascara. Haha.

Apr 8, 2014

CPT- Lili R.

It doesn't sadden me not buying makeup in a while if I got what I want but what saddens me is not being able to buy what I want and settling for something else