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Mar 31, 2014
Didi K.
I see these words (title heading) and more from girls on here. I've seen so many comments like: "That is cute in you!" and "I don't think that looks bad on you at all!" Now ladies, by these examples I'm not saying you should bag on them instead, I'm saying that you should actually give them good advice and not just say something for the sake of it.
For example, once I saw a post of someone asking if there makeup looked nice. Well I saw only but one flaw and I thought they other girls would (kindly of course) tell her the mistake. But no, almost every single person said in one form or another that it looked good.
And it drives me mad because- ladies! They are leaving the house like that! You can't just let them be oblivious to something that could potentially embarrass them! Especially with all of the prom posts going on. In my opinion, it's worse to have someone NOT tell you what's wrong with there look, than having someone point it out to you.
But of course it is my opinion.
So I'm trying to spread awareness (in a way) to actually be helpful and to not be (so to say) fake.
I'm sorry if this had offended some of you but this is a very important thong to me. I'm not accusing, I'm just asking for honesty. Kindly haha
Mar 31, 2014
Morghan H.
I totally agree!!
Mar 31, 2014
Caitriona H.
Maybe others didn't see the mistake and you should have said something. I don't think anyone is being 'fake' by complimenting anyone else on here and sometimes if you keep picking at minor things, that don't matter, (keep in mind that in some instances your 'mistake' is anothers personal preference) it can bring people down. From what I have seen people will usually be supportive and give advice to others.
Mar 31, 2014
Shaye M.
I agree with Caitriona, just because we aren't critisising anything with their makeup doesn't mean we're not being honest, it can be other peoples personal preferences.
Mar 31, 2014
Jess L.
I agree with Caitriona. I'm not really an expert on makeup so I can't see the tiny "flaws" that may be present, only the obvious ones. So if I say someone's makeup looks good, I mean it.
Mar 31, 2014
Ame S.
I tried saying the truth a few times, I was ignored because it was "rude and negative", I guess thats why most ladies don't say the truth... most people don't like it.
Mar 31, 2014
Caitriona H.
Maybe try to rephrase it or add 'I'm not trying to be rude but..' I'm not saying you have to comment OMG so Pretty! <3 on every post from now on, I'm just saying don't tell others they're fake because they do. I will usually say something if I see it, and I know Shaye and others will too :)
Mar 31, 2014
Caitriona H.
I do agree though that they're some girls that just put things up fishing for compliments and get really mad when you critise but they're rare and if you find one maybe just say 'You asked what I thought, thats just my opinion' and leave it at that.
Mar 31, 2014
Bekah S.
I mean if you see six other girls on the same post commenting "you need to fix this and this and this" would commenting "the eyeliner is perfect" be so bad? Improving is NOT just about criticizing. They need to know they're getting somewhere and not totally hopeless?
Mar 31, 2014
Gabby M.
I think people should just be honest, and give tips when needed! :D
Mar 31, 2014
Katherine W.
I think that people should be honest and tell where they can improve, but also give credit when they do something wonderfully.
Mar 31, 2014
Chantel D.
I think that if it is only a flaw in one particular area then we should tell them that something is wrong but while at the same time highlight on the good points as well. Eg You eyebrows are perfect but I think you should maybe check your eyeliner but other than that its good :)
Mar 31, 2014
Nala H.
Like Catriona said, I'm not a professional so how can I pick apart someone's face to know if they did everything "right". So if that makes me fake, so be it. Most people in the world will honestly never notice these mistakes, so who am I to nitpick? And if you felt that it's so important that she knows, tell her. Honestly, majority will say, thank you, I didn't even know. Because we're normal women! The only reason someone will call you out for critiquing is if it feels more like criticizing. It's not what you say but how you say it. A lot of us aren't looking to be genuine makeup artists, they just want to be able to apply makeup In such a way that suits them.
Mar 31, 2014
Kalyn H.
There's some people who actually want constructive criticism and done people who just want to hear they look good
Mar 31, 2014
Roz X.
I agree with Nala.
Perhaps some of us do, indeed, think something is nice or fabulous..and we say so. Honestly, I don't see the necessity of a thread implying some members are being less than truthful simply because you may not agree with their opinion and feedback. A majority of my fellow board members look out for each other; that would include sharing an honest opinion.
Mar 31, 2014
Taylor G.
Agree that I probably wouldn't have seen a mistake lol.
Mar 31, 2014
Taylor G.
And I'm not being fake. If I don't like a persons makeup, I just won't comment. If I do, I'll say "OMG you look fab", as you put it, or something along those lines ;)
Mar 31, 2014
Ruby M.
Sometimes people don't see the mistake, but I agree, it is always important to be kind, yet honest.
Mar 31, 2014
Nichole V.
I totally agree with your opinion! Honesty is the best policy, I'm not one to sugar coat things. If something looks bad or needs improving I will point it out, and it's not to be a jerk it's to help them learn from there mistake.
Mar 31, 2014
Marie R.
Agree with Bekah S. totally!!
Mar 31, 2014
Antonia S.
I completely understand where this post was coming from.
I find that the ladies of BL have a warped idea of what bullying or being rude is. Telling someone that their eyeliner is crooked or that their contour is misplaced is not being rude, but I've seen multiple times girls have been called out for "bullying" when making such points.
I've refrained from giving "constructive criticism" on multiple threads because I didn't want to be looked at as a "bully."
Mar 31, 2014
Jessica D.
I'm the same way! If someone asks me how they look or if a piece of their outfit is okay, I'm going to be honest! Your my friend, I'm not going to let you walk around looking like you don't own a mirror. As long as your nice about it, it's always better to tell someone if something about their appearance is whacked. :)
Mar 31, 2014
Jessica D.
Likewise, if they look great, tell them so! We need to lift each other up, ladies, not pick at each other to make ourselves feel/look better. Too many girls are that way. Be the change, let's all be nice to and lift each others' spirits :)
Mar 31, 2014
Lou C.
I always try to give constructive criticism and I'm also happy about that kind of criticism of my own looks. I always say it in a polite way, though, even if I don't like the look so much. BUT when I see someones look and my first thought is "Omg, that's pretty!" I'll write that- I'm being honest here, too :). I find many looks pretty and I often tell people so, even if the looks may have some flaws, I will point out the flaw but still add that the looks itself is very pretty, when I think so.
Of course, saying "omg, so pretty" when you don't mean it, isn't reall helpful...
Mar 31, 2014
Ileene M.
People get butt hurt to easily that's it!, I have had girls tell me "to do this different" or " change that" and I thank them why would I get mad if I'm the one asking for suggestions.they're just being honest and advancing me to do better (lol I hope) GIRLS TAKE IT OR DON't ASK AT ALL.