Zapped Looking Hair??


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Mar 23, 2014

Destiny L.

I straightened my hair and it is SUPER staticy (if thats a word) and its driving me nuts! How do I get rid of it??

Mar 23, 2014

Hannah F.

Super what? Hahaa

Mar 23, 2014

Angie R.

Put some hairspray in, then brush it.

Mar 23, 2014

Hayley S.

Static, yeah I understand, happens to me all the flipping time. Like when random strands of your hair starts floating about your head and getting stuck to your face :/ I rub a tumble dryer sheet on my hair and it calms it down x

Mar 23, 2014

Destiny L.

All I have is a brush lol I'm in the back seat if a truck traveling.

Mar 23, 2014

Roz X.

A little water or a tiny bit of hand lotion.

Mar 23, 2014

Abby F.

I spray hairspray on a boar or natural bristle brush and then lightly comb through- works every time!

Mar 23, 2014

Catrin W.

Maybe try argan oil... Put it on your hair after styling and it will keep it tamed and shine(:

Mar 23, 2014

Charlotte S.

Squirt a little oil in your hand and rub it into your hair then straighten it and see how that works

Mar 23, 2014

Hannah K.

Mine does this too! Your hair is basically full of static charge, so you need to counteract that. Use a natural bristle hair brush when brushing hair:)

Mar 23, 2014

Faith F.

I tiny bit of Morroconoil/argon oil should do the trivk.

Mar 23, 2014

Jada J.

Is use a dryer sheet which gets rid of staticyness (my made up word) and frizzes.

Mar 23, 2014

Kira-Louise S.

Spray hair spray into a brush then brush it through. Next time I suggest you use AUSSIE anti frizz conditioning milk you can put it through your hair either dry or wet :)

Mar 24, 2014

Emily W.

If you're out of the house, wet your hands or your brush and run through your hair. If you don't have water, use a tiny bit of lotion on your hands and smooth over your hair.

This happens to me ALL the time.

Mar 27, 2014

Abby A.

Dryer sheets! Seriously I carry like one or two with me everyday in the winter! Just rub the sheet over your hair to get rid of the static.