Best Pencil Eyeliner for Hazel Eyes?


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Mar 26, 2014

Berkeley K.

What's the best pencil liner for hazel eyes and where can I buy it? Thank you!! 💕

Mar 26, 2014

Breeze T.

Purple really brings out the green in hazel eyes! You can use any shade you like, just make sure you try it on for color and consistency! (it needs to be soft enough so it doesn't pull on your eyelids). I'm sorry but I can't recommend any stores or brands as I live far away :-)

Mar 26, 2014

Elana S.

Hazel eyes have the potential to really change colors. if your eyes are anything like my hazel eyes, I have specks of gray, brown, blue, and green. I can manipulate which color stands out depending on what you wear and what makeup you're wearing. when it comes to eye color, opposites attract. if you want your eyes to look green, wear blue eyeliner or vice versa. If you want your eyes to look grey, wear brown eyeliner or vice versa. Black is the universal color for any eyes, it will look good ob anybody but it won't mke your eyes stand out as nicely. hope I help!

Mar 28, 2014

Berkeley K.

Thank you!! :)