Help! Please!


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Dec 19, 2012

Dana K.

Hey everyone, So I have this series going on on my channel, 25 Days of Christmas. I have been uploading a video every day. I missed two days already, and I don't want to miss any more. I do not have a video ready for tomorrow. I don't have time to film tonight, for it is almost 11 o'clock. And I get home from school at 3. I can usually edit an average video in an hour at least, sometimes it takes me all day, depending on what happens. So I need some video ideas that are a quick film, and preferably a quick edit. A tutorial is out of the window. I already did a DIY gifts video. Any other ideas?
Thank you in advance. :)

Dec 19, 2012

Vanessa C.

Fun hairstyles, favorite holiday lip colors and on the lip swatches, talkin about memorable holiday moments. 

Dec 19, 2012

Leighanne B.

Try your December favs? You can base it on solely makeup or just anything at all! Hair products etc . Maybe a hair tutorial ? 

Dec 19, 2012

Dana K.

Thanks, girls. I hadn't thought of those. I really like the lip color idea, and the December favorites. I just might do both. :) thanks again. 

Dec 19, 2012

Natalie T.

I'm driving 1,000 each way to my parents house next week, so I'm trying to get together a small collection of stuff to pack in my car to help me survive in cheap motels, rest stops, and my parents house for the 4 or 5 days I'll be away from home over Christmas. I would love to see an overnight essentials guide, like if you happen to travel for the holidays! If someone is staying with their parents or relatives or friends, for one or two nights over the holiday, maybe come up with a short list of the essentials to take with you. Perhaps like a top 10 list or a list of items that fit in a small makeup case or a certain size plastic baggie or something everyone has around the house to pack their makeup/beauty supplies in. Like a little holiday over-night packing/space saving challenge or something. I'm not really sure what's out there on beauty youtube channels, I haven't really watched much, so I'm sorry if this doesn't suit your needs, but I would love to watch this video if it was out there!

Dec 19, 2012

Manasi S.

i think tags would be easy and quick

Dec 19, 2012

Massie B.

You could do a recipe or idk a DIY stocking or you could do a Christmas decorating Idea  

Dec 19, 2012

Dana K.

Natalie, that is a great idea!
Manasi, I've already done a lot of Christmas tags and I'm trying to refrain from spamming my subscribers. Thank you though. :)
Massie, I'm planning on making my sister macarons for Christmas. I could do a tutorial on those! Thanks. :)

Dec 19, 2012

Natalie T.

Glad you like it and I hope to see it! I definitely need some help. I would also love to watch the macaron video though!! Thats a fabulous Christmas present idea

Dec 19, 2012

Alyse M.

whats in your purse/makeup bag/etc

Dec 19, 2012

Dana K.

I would love to help you out, Natalie. I'll let you when (if) I get both videos up. :)

Alyse, That's a great idea, but I don't really carry a purse or a makeup bag, and I wanted to keep the videos more tailored towards the holiday season.