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Jul 24, 2014
Samantha S.
Hey ladies so lately my eyes have been watering a lot, but now lately their starting to do something different.
My eye will be irritated like I have something in my eye then, I'll try to get it out (sometimes use eye drops sometimes not) then five minutes later the feeling will still be there.
Then my eye will start watering rank which smudges the corner of my bottom eyeliner. I'll check if there's anything in my eye then I'll find a ton of black stuff in my eyes and a like hair thing but full of mascara along the bottom of my eye. I get it all out but it doesn't stooop D:
And this alternates between eyes depending on the day, weird.
Any help is much appreciated xx
Jul 24, 2014
Lisa S.
You need to see an eye doctor asap. Stop whatever eyeliner or mascara you are using because you may allergic to it. It could also be allergies causing it or weather changes...
Jul 24, 2014
Samantha S.
Jul 24, 2014
Samantha S.
Yeah that's a good idea Lisa
Jul 24, 2014
Kitty K.
I agree with Lisa, I also recommend that you throw out any mascara you may be using. If it's an infection, your eye make up may already be contaminated. Sanitize your makeup accordingly. ( Shave your pencils, Sanitize your shadows, etc. )
Jul 24, 2014
Samantha S.
That's true too, well cross my fingers and get my eyes checked out!
Jul 25, 2014
Kendra H.
Stop using all makeup products on your eyes! That includes serums and creams, mascara, shadow, liner etc. Then see and eye doctor! Take all your normal products with you because it sounds like it could be an allergy and if they see the products then they can help you a little more (learned that from experience). Be open to what the doc says even if it means not wearing makeup for a while. This could be a sign of something serious but more than likely it is just a reaction to a product. Like Kitty said you could also be irritated from not keeping your makeup clean and bacteria has caused some kind of irritation or even infection... Just take care of yourself girl and get checked out ASAP! :)