Tips to get chlorine out of bleached hair😭💔


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Jul 16, 2014

Talisha H.

I went to the pool. When I got out my hair started to turn green. Any tips on how to get it out?💔

Jul 16, 2014

Leslie N.

Eeee that happen the to my friends. I heard a certain colored shampoo helps but I'm not positively sure and I don't want to tell you anything wrong haha someone should know tho

Jul 16, 2014

Derek R.

I always use a clarifying shampoo and that helps a little they make special shampoo and conditioner for chlorine

Jul 16, 2014

Shaye M.

If it's a stubborn green colour you can actually use tomato sauce to counteract the green. Or a red shampoo but I've never found one of those hah.

Jul 16, 2014

Mya M.

Hmm I know purple shampoo is to correct bronze tones.. Maybe try that?

Jul 17, 2014

Shaye M.

Purple shampoo won't remove green, only gets rid of yellow/orange tones.

Jul 17, 2014

Talisha H.

Thank you girls!(: I'll try the Tomato. If it doesn't work I'll try a shampoo.

Jul 17, 2014

Veronica S.

Baby shampoo

Jul 17, 2014

Qwaserght T.

There's special shampoos for swimmers that cancels out green tones
I use the triswim shampoo and conditioner and it works good

Jul 17, 2014

Zo E.

Be incredibly careful with the tomato, my friend did it and it from memory something reacted with something and a heaps of her hair fell out. it went from waist length think hair to thin above the shoulders & she needed extensions. it could have just been her hair but be very vet careful