Angelbites Help Please


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Jul 18, 2014

Aialeen a.

So one Of the bars in my angelbite is smaller than the other, is that okey or will my skin grow over it?

Jul 18, 2014

Jessica Lynn R.

Your skin shouldn't grow over it, mine were like that for awhile, and then switched both to a longer rod. You should be just fine. Depending on your lip thickness. Make sure the smaller bar don't rub.

Jul 18, 2014

Aialeen a.

Okey, another qoustion is it normal that the plate are sitting weird there near my lips and one of them sits perfect the other don't?

Jul 18, 2014

Jessica Lynn R.

From the picture. It looks like the one on the left has the smaller rod and the one on the right has the longer rod, they don't always sit exactly perfect cuz your mouth is always moving. And by plates do you mean the backing plates inside? They should sit semi flat. But you don't want em too tight that they"ll rub n b sore. (: