How to maintain Box Braids?


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Aug 11, 2014

Laquita N.

Hey guys! Can anyone tell me the easiest and/ or healthiest way of maintaining box broads and keeping them neat and not frizzing up? I want to keep mines for a long time and I was wondering how can I do that when my new growth is coming in and it's starting to frizz a little.

Aug 12, 2014

Natalie R.

I use a sheen sprays and oil sprays to keep my roots moisturized and my hair shiny. Avoid sprays with water in them as they will cause your hair to frizz up.

Aug 12, 2014

Laquita N.

Thank you Natalie!

Aug 12, 2014

Leah S.

Make sure to wrap your hair before you sleep if you don't already. Not wrapping your hair can cause the braids to frizz when you're head rubs against your pillow(: also be really gentle when washing your hair and touch the roots as little as possible.