Hair, Skin and Nail Complex - The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread!


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Aug 13, 2014

Georgie S.

Hey Ladies!
So I just felt like I really really needed to share this with you, just beacuse its helped me so much and I hope it can do the same for you (If you had/have the same problem as I did)
Now I wouldnt usually make recommendation for something like this (hair tablets) because I know that you shouldnt really be taking tablets for hair growth... Biotin etc. and also because I know different things work differently for certain people... or they simply don't work at all. Anyway, all that aside, here's a little background to this post...
In December last year (2013) I managed to lose a significant amount of weight, which was absoloutely wonderful... the only bad thing? My hair started falling out in copious amounts... my mum kept saying that it ws the rapid weight loss that had put my body into "shock" and so my hair was falling out - either way, it scared the heck out of me. I would find almost clumps of hair on my pillow and in the drain of the shower (Yes, I know - Ew, Gross!). I eventually became so freaked out that I started researching it, looking for reasons and cures... I came up with several possibilities... Anemia, Thyroid issues, and then started taking all these natural tablets (Flaxseed oil, Spirulina and Iron Tablets) They didnt do a thing, besides the iron raising my energy levels.

I was almost at my wits end after being unable to find Iodine (another recommendation for my problem) and then my mum went to a health shop in our closest shopping centre, and asked them for Iodine, and instead the assistant told her to try this...its called 'Nativa - Hair, Skin and Nail Complex'. It comes in box of 30 capsules - one taken daily with breakfast (or a meal)
It helps with:
Nutritional Support
Conditioning Support
and Specific Amino Acid Support

So I started taking these tablets about a month ago, and the improvement is absoloutley unbeliveable. My hair has thickened and got its shine back. I'm no longer finding masses of it everywhere, and I think I've just got general peace of mind that I'm not about to go bald...

I don't know if these tablets are available outside South Africa - Thats where I'm from... (I really hope they are)
I'm going to attach photos of the box and ingredients...
I just thought I'd share this with you ladies, beause I know there are a few of you who seem to have a similar problem - If I'm not mistaken?

Sorry about my absolute essay, but thanks for reading

Stay gorgeous, all of you


Aug 13, 2014

Georgie S.

two more photos...

Aug 13, 2014

Georgie S.

Hope you can read it :)

Aug 13, 2014

Lilly D.

Thanks for this!! I hope I can find them at my local health store

Aug 13, 2014

Mariana E.

I'm glad you found something that could help you! However I must also share my experience with vitamin B.
I started using a complement to boost my energy. And it happen to have many of the vitB kinds.
I broke out like crazy! Then
I went to the doctor and found out about the effects that vitamin B (perhaps too much of it) has on my skin.

I stopped my consumption and my crazy break outs faded away.
Just a side note

Aug 18, 2014

Leslie S.

Great to know, I'm struggling with this issue myself. Am going to look for it tomorrow

Georgie S.

Cape Town, South Africa