Mane 'N' Tail??


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Aug 18, 2014

Chelsea R.

Soo I just bought the mane and tail shampoo and was wondering what do you guys thinkk of itt?

Aug 18, 2014

Emily M.

99% of people will give you horrible reviews. I went against them and got it any way, while I saw no harm, it wasn't worth the money. I didn't see any change in my hair, good or bad.

Aug 18, 2014

ramie x.

You will get a bunch of comments on how bad this is lol. But anyways. From what I have accumulated it isn't ph balanced for human hair and can weigh down your hair and cause it to dry out. It also seals your hair's cuticle. You might think it will help with hair growth but it won't.

Aug 18, 2014

Emily M.

I disagree with comments saying it is NOT for human hair because it is sold on shelves, though is is definitely not the best thing from your hair. If you're looking for hair health or growth I suggest argon oil (:

Aug 18, 2014

Lauren M.

Why do they even sell it in stores if its meant for horses? That's kinda weird that they sell horse shampoo in the section were humans buy there shampoo.

Aug 18, 2014

Kate H.

I used it and liked it. It did make my hair smell a tad odd, but it wasn't noticeable. I didn't see a vast improvement but my hair looked shinier and grew about an inch

Aug 18, 2014

Kitty K.

I agree with the ladies above... it is not formulated for human hair and scalp. It is formulated with heavy waxes, which weigh your hair down thus why a lot of people believe their hair grew. These waxes, unfortunately also begin to dry out the hair over time and leave your hair very brittle. It's PH is off for human hair and scalp.. I did use it before finding out this information and I can say it did make my hair very brittle after about 6-8 months of usage.

The reason it is sold in the 'human section (lol) is because people began using it to wash their hair after dealing with their horses... and so the company saw it as a way to make some more money, especially since they are not violating any laws doing so.
They do have some hair products that are meant for humans... but the shampoo and conditioner itself will do nothing to help your hair.

Aug 18, 2014

Kitty K.

And actually, all of the stores around me sell it where the animal shampoos/conditioners are lol.

Aug 18, 2014

Kendra H.

This product is formulated to really fit the needs of horse hair, and isn't oh balanced for human hair. It's full of waxes which weigh down your hair and make your hair appear to be longer when it really isn't. It also produces a thick "gunk" on your scalp (I tried it I know) I think it was probably just the waxes and things clogging my hair follicles. It also drys your hair out like a b**ch! I honestly hated it and the benefits that I did see weren't actually benefits!

Aug 18, 2014

Emily M.

Again, I say it is not the best thing for your hair, just as someone would say really cheap shampoos with ingredients, not real great for hair. But it is not illegal and is just as meant for human hair as many other shampoos that can do damage, rather than help. But you cannot compare it to something such as horse food, being sold to people, listed as human food. I clearly wasn't defending the product :P.

Aug 18, 2014

Allison B.

It's bad for your hair. Dries it out. It didn't work for me. I would go with organic shampoo and conditioner! It helped my hair grow and become healthy.

Aug 18, 2014

Marie R.

One of my friends is using it and she says she sees a difference and it a good difference. She says her hair did grow. Idk what to believe. All I know is it's not meant for human hair.

Aug 18, 2014

Lauren M.

Lol, damnnnnnn. Welp, I won't be using that stuff then!

Aug 18, 2014

Rissa G.

Y'all are naive believing that just because it's on the market means it's good for you lol.

Aug 18, 2014

Emily M.

Renay, I don't think anyone here said it's good for your hair.

Aug 18, 2014

Emily S.

I love it because it makes my hair super soft and it's helped it grow a lot since when I've been using it. When you do use it, make sure to only use a little bit (like the size of a dime).

Aug 18, 2014

Chelsea R.

Thankss everyone for your opinionss! :)

Aug 18, 2014

Emily B.

Agree with Emily M. No need to make a comment like that.
I also agree with everyone's comments about the waxes and drying feeling.

Aug 18, 2014

Steph P.

Same it didn't anythin special for my hair

Aug 18, 2014

Rissa G.

Ah Emily B., you're always sour towards me hahaha. I don't get why.

anyways, yeah I meant in general. chill. apologize if I came off rude lol

Aug 18, 2014

Bry R.

Renay, trust me, you did not come off rude. I had a chick come at me yesterday for something silly.

Aug 18, 2014

Rissa G.

Thanks, Bryanna! people always come at me sideways for speaking my mind but that's where being honest gets you. lol. I mean sometimes I can come off like a royal beeeee! honestly though, I've mellowed out a lot, I didn't see it as rude either haha.

Aug 18, 2014

Olivia A.

Lol! Renay...even if they take it the wrong way...I know what you mean and I'm sure others do as well.

...and what everyone said about mane n tail messing your hair's true.

Aug 18, 2014

Olivia A.

You definitely weren't rude. I'm actually laughing and my sister is asking what's wrong with me.

Aug 18, 2014

Bry R.

Haha yeah I know how that feels. I'm actually the opposite. When I first came here, I was terrified I would hurt someone's feelings and be confronted but now I'm like nahhh I can be honest and still be nice/mature/respectful and if they take it wrong, it's (95% of the time) not my problem lol.