Sunburn help 😕


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Aug 13, 2014

Abbey B.

Hi guys! So yesterday I was out boating and got a HORRIBLE sunburn on only my forehead :/ I was wearing and hat and sunglasses and didn't get burned anywhere else! The first day of school is tomarrow and I really need help clearing it up. Even tips on how to soothe it would be appreciated because it's painful :( thank you!!

Aug 13, 2014

Alyssa N.

Aloe! Aloe aloe aloe will help so much!! Do not put lotions on it that have scent or anything because it will burn like crazy! But Defienetly some aloe

Aug 13, 2014

Kaitlyn C.

Use Aloe, Ice cubes wrapped in a paper towel (or an ice pack), and noxema they work wonders for me everytime.

Aug 13, 2014

Abbey B.

Thank you guys! :)

Aug 13, 2014

Emily M.

Pure Aloe, it's clear, not green or blue. Apply it multiple times between now and tonight. Once in the morning, and wash it off before your makeup! I guarantee it will go away.

Aug 13, 2014

Abbey B.

Oh my gosh thank youuuu! Earlier this summer when I was burned I was using this blue aloe stuff and it didn't help AT ALL! Thank you.

Aug 13, 2014

Emily M.

Yes of course :) Pure Aloe is a life saver! Put it in the fridge and it feels so nice and cool on your skin!!(: Hahah, my sister only had pure, my shoulders, forehead and nose burns were gone the next morning and I had only been applying it between 6-11 the day before.

Aug 13, 2014

Abbey B.

Wow sweet! Thanks again :)

Aug 13, 2014

Alexandra F.

I was literally in your same position a few days ago! I had a super bad sunburn all over my face, arms and chest and had my senior pictures the next day. The advice I received was to take 3 or so teabags of black tea and let them seep in hot water until the tea is very dark. Then once the water is lukewarm, get a rag and put it in the tea and then put that on your sunburn. Let the "coat" of tea dry and then repeat. The important thing is to not wash the tea off! After you coat your burn sufficiently, (you can really put on as many as you like - I used 3) Go to bed and just let the tea do its thing. Then when you wake up in the morning wash the tea off and you can see the results. I was very skeptical at first but my other than my chest, my entire sunburn was tan by the next day. Hope this works for you!

Aug 13, 2014

Belle M.

Aloe Vera works great!

Aug 13, 2014

Emma K.

Aloe like everyone else said but you can't really get rid of sunburn you have to let it wear off!

Aug 14, 2014

Abbey B.

Thank you guys soooo much! I will definitely try all of these tonight and sorry I didn't see these until now ðŸ˜‚