Lipstick & smokey eye help!


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Jul 21, 2014

Rachel S.

I love Hanna Marins lipstick she wears all the time and I need someone to help me find a similar color!
Also, wanting to do a smokey eye like this but I can never get it right, if anyone has any tips!

Jul 21, 2014

Lauren G.

There was already an answer to this with specific examples and pictures. Go and search smokey eye there are tons of threads.

Jul 21, 2014

Natalie S.

One that is really similar is please me from mac. I love it!

Jul 21, 2014

Jolie W.

For the smokey eye try.

Jul 21, 2014

Morgan S.

There are several YouTube videos that are Get The Look: Hanna from PLL and they include good makeup tutorials :)