DEBATE: Are cosmetics morally wrong?
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Jul 24, 2014
Jenny C.
Girl, if someone wants to over do it society should be okay w it!! it is her face & she should feel good about it no matter if she's wearing no makeup at all or a ton! if someone wants to have big thick brows but they aren't natural, you go glen coco. if a girl wants longer lashes, fuller lips, a contoured face, rosey cheeks, flawless skin, YOU GO GIRL! you feel comfortable in your skin however you have to do it. it is not wrong at all. makeup is a beautiful thing, it's like art. you have to do you. everyone has their own preference on how things are done. I think makeup is the best thing.
Jul 24, 2014
Symone B.
Haha, right Maggie! It's not deception if we aren't trying to trick anyone.
and @jenny, amen! I think Gaga said it best:
"Whether I wear lots of makeup or no makeup, I am always the same person inside."
Jul 24, 2014
Melanie T.
Gawd Symonds and Jenny you girls took the words straight out of my mouth! no one has the right to judge other people. That just screams "I feel superior!" which is wrong. When I had my first makeover at sephora for a school dance the first thing in said to myself after I took it all of was "Hey its the same Mel underneath all that" haha I talk to myself often whenever I'm alone, sorry >~<
Jul 24, 2014
Jenny C.
I couldn't say it any better!
Jul 24, 2014
Symone B.
Amen girls! It's so crazy when people label a person with judgements of their internal beings based on their external appearance. Fake, insecure, and deceptive are personality labels. Sheesh, all that over a full coverage foundation?
Jul 24, 2014
Caitriona H.
Pah, makeup is deceptive? Try looking on anyones facebook/ instagram/ twitter page. Do you really think that is genuinely the life they lead? Do you think they look like their photos all the time? Everything is specifically choosen and carefully put together to give the desired image of the life they lead. Social Media is the biggest lie we've ever told and we do it 24/7 365. Both male and females are guilty of it. To me THAT is deception.
Makeup is only a 'lie' or a 'trick' to me when women don't let their man see them without it when its gotten to a more serious part of the relationship. Granted he shouldn't care, but also you should let him know what he's in for. Its the same as wearing a wonderbra constantly. Yes, it shouldn't matter but maybe he doesn't like small boobies and thats his preference. Whether people like it or not attraction is a huge part in relationships and its no ones fault if it isnt there when the wonderbra comes off, just be prepared for that.
Other than that its no one elses business what I choose to do to my face. I love makeup, I enjoy putting it on. I'm not trying to impress anyone but me with my badass skills! lol
Jul 24, 2014
ramie x.
First off if the guy can't accept you with or without makeup then he isn't worth your time.
I completely agree with all of the girls. Makeup was made for a reason; to utilize it.
Jul 24, 2014
Symone B.
Lmao Caitriona! You always keep it real! And thank you ladies for the lovely input ❤️
Jul 24, 2014
Hannah S.
I honestly just feel for her. She put herself put there and I am sure it's hard to be a topic of discussion in most likely negative ways. She's gorgeous before and after so is people think she's being deceptive, they're the shallow ones for thinking that one version of her isn't as good as the other. If that makes sense. Makeup is art, art is important and in my opinion definitely not morally wrong
Jul 24, 2014
Shaye M.
My answer: I don't think it's morally wrong, at all. I agree with Emily 100% and I feel the same way. I see nothing wrong with this girl wanting to even her skin tone out, I know I don't look the same without makeup on but that's never stopped me from wearing it, I have freckles that I like to cover when I wear makeup, also like this girl I have sparse eyebrows but so what? My boyfriend doesn't care when I'm bare faced or caked, and neither do I, how much makeup I wear doesn't effect anyone else; their opinions are just irrelevant to me.
People saw it deceiving when I wore makeup all through high school and one day didn't wear it even one of my friends was like "woah, you do need makeup" and I was like "No fucks are given" I was born with this face so I'll enjoy both lol. It's like people forget to wear makeup, you still need the face you were born with and you work with the features we've already got, we don't magically grow a different face lol. I don't think it's deception, unless like kat said, you can't show your non made up face to a guy because you think they'll freak out.. That's when there's a problem. Idk, 🙈
Jul 24, 2014
Hannah S.
And Liz what you said is so dead on. People who often criticize makeup are usually just afraid of it!! I watch a lot of YouTube videos of girls who are vulnerable and putting themselves out there and I can't BELIEVE the awful criticism about their faces and features before makeup...and then people criticize them about the makeup they wear. People always want to criticize sadly.
Jul 24, 2014
Jesslee M.
I think that makeup is literally something made to be put onto your face. what you want it to do to your face is completely your call, whether you want to do a cosplay, do the natural look, or slather it on. its literally extra pigments to put onto your face, it will change how you look thats literally the point and I think people know what they're getting into when they use/buy it.
Jul 24, 2014
Kitty K.
I went ahead and screencapped a video where I could get her natural face without make up.
And the reason she looks so dramatic, is because she has skin discolorations. I actually went ahead and showed my boyfriend to see what his reaction would be.
He said it was misleading and like a mask, he was also appalled when I told him that I take the same steps she takes to do my make up.. and it's only so emphasized because of her skin issues.
I went ahead and opened my trusty Adobe Photoshop CS6, got my tablet.. and went to work doing a quick (sloppy) edit of her skin. It's the ideal 'perfect' skin most youtubers have when doing their videos.
Jul 24, 2014
Lauren N.
I don't think it's wrong but it's sad that some girls are just so into it and cake it on everyday that they don't feel comfortable in their own skin and can't leave the house without it. This is only me but I would only wear foundation if my face had like acne scars or something. That's just me.
Jul 24, 2014
Regan N.
Something I'd like to point out, is that while society is judging her for using makeup, they are the ones who made her feel like she needed to in the first place. Think about it this way. Say brunette hair is suddenly decided to be wildly unattractive. If you have brunette hair, you will get dirty looks, people will stare at you, and they will judge you. You can not control that you were born with brunette hair. It is natural. You were born with it. It is not the result of anything you've done. But to prevent all of the attention you're getting, you dye it black. You cover up what society has deemed unappealing. Isn't that what makeup does (for those using it to cover up 'flaws' and not using it as an artistic outlet)? Acne is 'unappealing' to society. So you cover it up. So are dark circles. You cover it up. Society says bigger eyes are appealing. You experiment with techniques to make your eyes appear larger. And large, luscious lips are all the rage. So you swipe on some lipstick and highlight the center of your lips. You do all of this to be 'beautiful' by society's standards. We're all guilty of it. It's not wrong. If you are so insecure that you can't walk out of your house without makeup, the problem is not in you, it is in society. This girl felt insecure about her skin condition, and while she is drop dead gorgeous, makeup or not, she feels more confident with makeup. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I don't think it's deceiving. This is how I look at it. It's my face. If I want to cover up things, and color in things, that's my decision. If I want to go bare faced, that's also my decision. If I want to turn myself into a completely different person, that's also my decision. And what I choose to do to my body, is nobody's dang business.
Jul 24, 2014
ramie x.
@Lauren N. Wouldn't this be the same thing then: girls shouldn't curl or straighten their hair because they aren't confident in the hair they were born with? Or why do girls paint their nails? They're not confident in their original nail color? Or why wear perfume girls aren't confident in their natural smell?
Jul 24, 2014
Regan N.
Oops. Total rant mode there, my bad!
Jul 24, 2014
Regan N.
Oooh. I just read Ramsha's reply to Lauren and I wanted to add something, haha. I feel like painting your nails fits into using cosmetics as a form of artistic expression, just like coloring your hair, or styling your hair in different ways. Not really covering up 'flaws'. As for perfume, I think that's more of a hygiene kinda thing. Not saying everyone needs perfume, but personally, I always feel cleaner and more put together when I'm smelling nice, ya know?
Jul 24, 2014
Noelle C.
The whole thing is makeup is made so people can use it, everyone uses it in different ways but I really hate how people put age limits or boundaries for how it should be used. Who cares if she looks different, if she looks pretty in the after she is pretty in the before. I'm sure there is a better way to put this but a troll could wear as much makeup as her and still would look relatively the same.
Jul 24, 2014
Symone B.
Nice answers ladies!
@Kitty, thank you!! Her makeup routine is seriously the same as everyone else's. Why should she be judged more harshly because of what she has underneath? She's not changing her whole person. No, just evening out her skin that makes it seem like "OMG!" People need to chill out. She literally uses primer, foundation, brows, shadow, winged liner and lashes. Products I see in literally EVERY MOTD post. Smh! I do that too.
@Lauren, really? Wowwwwww. No comment.
@Regan, totally see the point!
Jul 24, 2014
Tia B.
When people say she is falsely advertising, what is she even trying to advertise if she is even doing that at all? O_o I don't get why it matters to other people so much.
Jul 24, 2014
Janet B.
A woman does not wear makeup for a man. Full Stop. I honestly have no idea who came up with that, but they need to stop.
I feel like if Keisha wants to wear that much makeup, then she should. She is not lying, but the people who are accusing her lie everyday we all do. Why does feeling confident have to be linked with morals??
I personally see no link.
I personally do not wear as much makeup as she does, but I think if I had her skin conditions, I probably would too.
It's all about feeling confident, and we should do whatever it takes to feel that way.
If a guy doesn't like you wearing makeup he can go fuck himself!!
Jul 24, 2014
Marissa L.
Literally if men are stupid enough to not realize our eye lids aren't actually colors other than skin or that we don't have tons of makeup on, they are too stupid to be in our lives. we can wear as much makeup as we like, its not rude or deceptive to make yourself look different if thats what you want to do with your own damn face.
Jul 24, 2014
Andreina C.
Jul 24, 2014
Shona S.
It makes me so angry that people judge and criticise girls like this! In a way, of course we are going to wear makeup if that's what they're going to say about us if we don't wear it...
In my opinion, not only does makeup make me hide what I don't like on myself but I genuinely enjoy wearing it, buying it and putting it on! It's fun and creative and something I choose to do and want to do despite what those 'critics' believe about makeup.
Is this not the same as simply wearing clothes... Clothes cover up our whole body, does that mean absolutely everyone is deceitful because we don't walk around naked 24/7... I know that's an extreme comparison but just saying haha