What to wear: Looking for a summer job??


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Jul 23, 2014

Janet B.

Title says it all. Tommorow I'm going to look for a job to keep me busy during this break, preferably at a hair salon or something, but don't know what to say or wear. All suggestions welcome...

Jul 23, 2014

Diana T.

You want to look professional yet stylish for a hair salon - think business casual with something to express your fashion sense - just job hunting you probably won't be interviewed on the spot but you at least want to look polished and put together to let them know you are serious about wanting a job - also bring copies of your resume with you just in case they ask.

Jul 23, 2014

Marie R.

Well it really depends where though

Jul 23, 2014

Leanda B.

Skip on the jeans with holes though.

Jul 23, 2014

Leanda B.


Jul 23, 2014

Diana T.

That second looks really nice leanda.

Jul 26, 2014

Janet B.

Thanks guys :-)
Sorry for the late ass reply, I completely forgot I asked this question, lol