Whyyyy! Help me girls!


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Jul 20, 2014

Shaye M.

Girls, I'm getting this urge that just keeps getting bigger to buy a bright red dye and dye my hair but I'm so hesitant because at the same time, I don't really like red hair I just like the way it made my makeup look, my eyes, etc. Do you girls think I should dye my hair a red shade? Orrr should I just keep waiting it out and stay blonde?

Jul 20, 2014

Shaye M.

Scuse my crazy dimple lmao

Jul 20, 2014

Diana T.

I think red would look great on your girl - but I just personally like red hair in general

Jul 20, 2014

Shaye M.

It just keeps popping into my mind that when I go out next I need a red dye but whenever I get to the shop I stare at the dye and I'm like "wait.. Do I really wana do this?!" Then I don't get it but the urge doesn't go away lol!

Jul 20, 2014

Hannah S.

I love red hair. I support you!! You would look great with it!

Jul 20, 2014

Shaye M.

Thanks girls! 💕

Jul 20, 2014

Sara A.

I love red hair but you look really good blonde! But if you wanna go red then go for it, I'm sure you'll rock it!

Jul 20, 2014

Alyx T.

I think red would look stunning, but I also think you would want to change it in a few months or weeks. If I were you maybe get a veggie dye red and try it, that way you'll know it'll fade if you want to change it. Or just use hair chalk for a week and see if you'd want a change.

Jul 20, 2014

Tyler W.

Would this be like fire truck red??

Jul 20, 2014

Shaye M.

Alyx! I tried my red hair chalk but unfortunately it's the only one in my whole box that doesn't want to show up which is pretty lame lol! I would be using paint box or manic panic probably but all I know is they'll fade to orange so I think that's what's throwing me off+ it's harder to get rid of so you know me too well lol! 😉

Jul 20, 2014

Tyler W.

If your hesitant you could slowly go red, no harm in taking your time.

Jul 20, 2014

Qwaserght T.

I think red would look great on you, but keep in mind it will be hard to maintain :)

Jul 20, 2014

Chelle D.

Red would look awesome on you! Try a semi-permanent.

Jul 20, 2014

Shaye M.

@qwaserght, I have to problems maintaining hair colours so that's not an issue :) thank you though

Jul 20, 2014

Shaye M.

No problems* derp

Jul 20, 2014

Lauren G.

Blehhh I'm so over red and everyone wanting red tbh haha so many other cool colors or even natural colors to try

Jul 20, 2014

Lauren G.

^^^ yess I love blues and greens. Pastels definitely look great on you.

Jul 20, 2014

Shaye M.

Red is only on my mind because I've actually been thinking about going back to my natural copper/ginger colour but I'm not comfortable with dying it that colour straight away lol because I've always hated my natural colour on me

Jul 20, 2014

Shaye M.

Thank you girls though, I'm so torn hahah! I've been looking for a turquoise colour that I used to be able to buy but they discontinued it :( lol.

Jul 20, 2014

Zo E.

Wow youre really pretty, I like your natural hair though & the green looks pretty groovy on you :)

Jul 20, 2014

Lauren G.

I'm sure
You can make the turquoise color yourself 😊

Jul 20, 2014

Halee C.

I agree with Lauren tbh.

Jul 20, 2014

Lauren G.

I love Sky and I love this color kind of dusty rose.

Jul 20, 2014

Lauren G.

Another rose

Jul 20, 2014

Lauren G.

I like this shade of blue