Freshman Year Advice?
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Aug 16, 2014
Christa M.
I'm starting high school in a few weeks & I'm really nervous, do you guys have any tips?
Aug 16, 2014
Shannon S.
What type of tips would you like? Tips on hair?Makeup?Outfits? Or tips on surviving in general?
Aug 16, 2014
Jenny C.
Your best friend now, probably won't be your best friend by the time your freshmen year ends. you should make as many friends as you can, join clubs, sports if you're into it etc. participate it homecoming week. just fun stuff your school does. make sure you're on top of you're grades at all times, it's wash to fall behind. good luck 😌
Aug 16, 2014
Jenny C.
easy *
Aug 16, 2014
Shannon S.
Try and make as many friends as possible and join Netball teams or something with them all. It may seem nerdy but it's what all the so called 'popular kids' do x
Aug 16, 2014
Emilie W.
I don't think there is a such thing as popularity so just be yourself and you might find yourself to enjoy freshmen year :-)
Aug 16, 2014
Brittany F.
Ohhhh there's definitely such thing as popularity. Does that mean it should be your number one priority? Absolutely not. But you should be wary of it simply because this is where you will reside for the next four years, five days a week seven hours a day and if everyone is making your life hell there is no way you can enjoy yourself or focus on your studies
Things to remember:
•be nice, even when you don't want to be just do it
•avoid drama. I know, easier said than done but when you look back on it it's always stupid and pointless.
•friends aren't for life. I'm sorry, it's true. Don't blow off your family for them, don't sacrifice your happiness or personality for them because chances are they will back stab you in a week, c'mon they're teenagers
•do your homework. It's extremely easy to get away with not doing it because your teachers cannot care less but it won't help you out when you end up with a 52 in your class
•ask questions, if you don't understand something as questions because chances are you will continue to branch off
Of it and you don't wanna be lost
•pack your lunches/outfit/bag the night before. Morning rush sucks
•boys suck, they're immature and they're not ready for your marriage fantasies. Don't bother, and if you do don't get overly attached.
Aug 17, 2014
Christa M.
Thank you all so much :)
Aug 17, 2014
Emily M.
Don't be nervous! Just know a lot is going to change in high school your style your friends your view on the world.
Join clubs you're interested in you'll be surprised in how many friends you'll make! Keep your head held high and whatever you do don't loose who you are or try to be someone your not. Good luck!
Aug 17, 2014
Elaiah C.
Just because it's your first year don't think you can mess around (there were a lot of kids when I was a freshmen who didn't care about grades and stuff and now they are totally screwed😰) try to keep your grades up AND DO NOT PROCRASTINATE!
Also be your self and try to make a lot of friends! Get involved with clubs, sports, or music! You only get to go to highschool once so have fun! But also maintain a good gpa :)
Aug 17, 2014
Shaily K.
If I could go back in time and tell my freshman self any advice, I'd tell her, me, to study so hard, that partying and socializing can wait. When you graduate your grades stay with you, most of your friends won't. Take this time to really improve your life so that you can have an awesome future.
Aug 17, 2014
Lesly A.
If I could do freshman year again I would say you should get really involved with clubs and sports make friends with everyone don't be shy and become a teachers pet because you can put them on Your resume also like jenny said do let it get to you when certain friends aren't there for you anymore other than that have fun be yourself and don't listen to haters Lol time will go by so fast!
Aug 17, 2014
Shiro M.
I agree with Brittany F. Another thing, even though college is a long way off it doesn't hurt to think about it now! That way you can choose classes that will help you get into a school that you want.
Aug 17, 2014
Jasmine K.
Be friendly. Stay away from drama (but that will be pretty much imposible) lol. If I could redo freshman year I would do better academically and join a sport or club. High School has so many cliques so avoid that! Make friends with everyone (:
Aug 17, 2014
Jenna M.
My straight up honest opinion. Have some friends but don't focus on building a whole arsenal. People will be your friends but not act like a true friend. Focus on school. School will prepare you for college which will give you a successful job. Focus on math and science! My personal opinion! You can't go wrong taking these courses as any science field such as engineering nursing etc.needs workers! Do what you love but focus on setting up a good foundation so you can succeed in college to get a good paying job
Aug 17, 2014
Jenna M.
Another thing is once you go to college, once you get accepted nobody really cares about what you did in high school. You can't put " I got drunk or I was homecoming queen on a resumè focus on joining a few clubs such as national honors society and volunteering.
Aug 17, 2014
Mimi B.
Usually you'll have those girls that try to make everything a popularity contest. And if that's what you like to focus on then just make sure you don't ever turn into one of those mean girls 😁 I always thought being the "Queen Bee" at my high school was what I wanted annnd it really just got me into a lot of drama.
A lot of your friends won't be your friends, if you play sports, you will probably become friends with them and that's always fun cause you can expand your friend circle ☺️ Have fun with it too! Just don't get in trouble cause it's not worth it.
Always try to be a good student! Teachers usually give "special" treatment to the good kids. Haha it's pretty great.
Don't try to be liked by's not going to work because for a gorgeous girl, there's always jealous girls, so never let them get you down.
Don't worry too much about your hair and makeup every day, because by the end of the day, it usually never looks the same as it did in the morning.
High school is only going to be fun if you go through it with a positive attitude ☺️
Aug 17, 2014
Shaye M.
To be honest, I wish when I'd gone to high school someone would've said "you won't know these people in five years so what they think doesn't matter" because that's completely relevant in most cases. I wasn't "popular" until 12th grade and even then, it was only average; by popular I don't mean hanging out with the popular girls (think mean girls lol) I mean started talking to more people, generally being more accepting of other people's opinions, getting more involved in my school work and actually enjoying it, and then it ended and none of those people kept in contact, but that's how it goes.
My advice to you starting high school is to just be yourself, if there's any bullying or you feel uncomfortable with people, talk to someone. I know I was the type to fight people, I've grown out of that habit but that's how it was lol but that's not the best way to handle things, if you have a problem or don't understand something, ask questions; there will be people who will try to make you feel stupid for wanting to learn or to know exactly what it is you're learning about; maths for example. Don't let certain groups/people peer pressure you into starting things too early or doing things you don't want to do; wearing makeup, I started because I got bullied and took til grade 12 to stop wearing it everyday; just little things like that, don't change for other people; if someone says something mean to you, it isn't your fault, it's a reflection of that particular person, not you. :) I hope some of that stuff helped, just a few things that came to my mind.
Aug 17, 2014
Christa M.
Thank you all so much omg you guys are amazing.
Aug 17, 2014
Isabel M.
I just finished my freshman year! Here are some things I've picked up.
• DO YOUR HOMEWORK. You aren't at school to socialize, that's the plus part of being there! You need to make sure you're keeping up with your grades, and work , as well as homework, because that is what colleges will use to determine whether or not they want you at their school.
• Try to ignore the drama, it's going to be harder to stay focused if there are a million other things going on! Drama is just not worth the stress or the time.
• Set goals, any goals, grade-wise or otherwise. It'll give you things to work on, and look forward to completing! I made a couple myself last year, one was to be on honor roll for both semesters which I completed! It's just a mini reward for yourself so I highly, highly suggest setting them!
• Don't sacrifice who you are to fit in. I have seen so many girls and guys at my school try to hard to fit in, and in the end, they looked like clones of each other, and they had intensely similar personalities, and attitudes too. It was incredibly eerie, and sad to see that , but it happens. Be true to you. High school is about figuring out your style, your goals and who YOU are. Everyone else is trying to do the same too. So , again, I say wear what you want, and don't let anyone change you. If you are going to switch it up, do it for you and no one else.
•Remember : everyone is going through their own struggle. If someone is rude , or outright mean to you, don't snap back. There is a reason why they did so, and the best thing you could possibly do is to treat them kindly and not be hurtful back. That's easier said than done , yes, but if you make it a (GOAL!!👑) and priority to be kind then it won't be hard at all, and it will come naturally. Also remember that you stand up for yourself, you don't have to be mean to do so, but don't let anyone kick you around in the dirt. I can tell you from personal experience that there are a good amount of people who will try to do so, and bring you down. Don't let them win.
• It may seem like a lot, but just take a deeeeeeep breath and relax, because before you know it, it will be over!
Like these wonderful ladies said, popularity doesn't mean anything. I can honestly say that I have three really close friends. I have school friends that I see at school but I can honestly say (and proudly might I add) that I have three close friends. I disagree with some of the comments on not being friends by the end of freshman year, because if you are ver very close to your friend and you work at staying in touch, and making plans to hang out and such, it will work out nicely. My best friend (out of my three closest friends) and I have been best friends since 6th grade. We've been through some really rough struggle and I've made it a massive point to be there for her, unconditionally. She moved across country and we still kept in touch, yes it was harder to keep in touch but we did. Now she's back and we are going into our sophomore year together, and I am honestly so excited to have her with me again!
My point is, that all though you may lose and gain friends, if you try to make it work regardless of the situation it will ( I can't promise but) work out, eventually. However sometimes thing just aren't meant to be.
I hope I could help at least a little bit! I hope your freshman year is kick-butt , and good luck with your classes and making new friends!! 😊
Aug 17, 2014
Celia B.
Just don't act like you're better than the upperclassman! Don't let anyone define you or change you, because it's easy when you first start. Do not get involved with drama. It is one of the worst things you can do.
Try and keep all your notes and things for midterms and finals, because they do come in handy when you study:
And don't wait until the last minute to do your work, it's way better to do it early so you don't have to worry about it later. Lastly, don't be nervous. I was at two different schools for my freshman year and nothing scary happened. It's not that different from middle school, just older people and more work.
Aug 17, 2014
Emily K.
Go in with the mind set that the friends you go in with most likely won't be there when you go out, they could. Don't act like an upperclassmen, focus on you and what you wanna do. There is going to be peer pressure if you are uncomfortable with something your friends are doing, don't do it. I have a freshman advice video on my youtube if you wanna hear more. Link in my profile!
Aug 17, 2014
Lauren N.
Make as many friends as you can and get involved. Do a sport or get into a club your interested it.
Aug 17, 2014
Sophie T.
Don't date a senior male.
Aug 17, 2014
Caitriona H.
Life usually gets in the way of plans so my advice is to take it as it comes. Don't go in with the intentions to be popular but don't turn down friendship opportunities all the time either, yes school isn't for socialising but it's not to be miserable and alone either lol. Start your homework when you get it, I know its easier said that done but its always better to do little bits of it over a week that rushing it in one night. I don't know what age/class freshman year is, but school in general is a constant balance of work and friends. Cherish the freedom and time you have now because, trust me, working is not fun and you don't really ever have that time again. In the end don't let others opinions effect what you really want to wear/do because as the other girls have said you won't know them when its all finished but you will remember if you weren't being yourself. Drama is exciting but try to not get in the middle of it or control you.
Overall my advice is enjoy yourself, don't stress yourself out too much (school grades are not the end of the world),do the work as they give it to you and study whenever you can :)