Michael todds review


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Jul 29, 2014

Yve G.

Reviews on this just ordered it.

Jul 29, 2014

Diana T.

Have not heard of it but if it's like any other charcoal scrub probably use it as an exfoliant so you only need to use it max 1-2 times a week.

Jul 31, 2014

Amy S.

Why does everyone exfoliate so much? 2x per week is a lot... serious question, wheres that info come from?

Jul 31, 2014

Parnika J.

Hey Amy...I hv also heard of 2 times a week. Its like every one knows this only.. How many times a month it should b done? Please suggest.

Jul 31, 2014

Traci L.

I really depends on the skin type some people benefit from more exfoliation than others ,it also depends on what your exfoliating with this is just a cleanser perfectly safe for use a few times a week I do exfoliate in some form daily because I use a Clarisonic that's a gentle daily exfoliating brush I also use a lactic peel once a week and retinol all of these things exfoliate the skin, am I exfoliating to much ,no not for my skin if your skin can't tolerate it you shouldn't do it,if you have redness ,rosacea,acne,then once a week is plenty with something gentle not harsh manual scrubs,you don't want to use harsh things that take off to many layers of the epidermis and throw off your acid mantle.

Jul 31, 2014

Amy S.

Just kinda goes aganist everything I've learned... unless there is a condition.

Young skin... exfoliates itself. Until you start messing with the turnover cycle.

I get the concept of treatment... but home exfoliation 2xper week is a lot... with abrasive/mechanical exfoliants. Recent studies are attributing these habits to the increase of inflammatory conditions. I dunno... I know we want to type skin different. But we all have the same systems and functions. We develope or inherit conditions that need treatment. But most often, from my experience, clients create their own skin issues. The ones that don't, are the ones I send to a dermatologiist... in general.

Jul 31, 2014

Traci L.

I agree about not using abrasive exfoliating methods however I suggested gentler methods of exfoliating and I specialize in anti aging most of my clients use gentle exfoliating methods and have no issues and neither do I and after the age of 25 your cell turnover starts slowing ,also some people have skin cells that don't act like normal skin cells meaning the don't turn over and fall off so they need to be removed this is a big reason why by the time people are my age there skin looks old dull and lack luster I'm not of the mind set that your skin just takes care of itself because one look in under a magnifying lamp of a person who exfoliates regularly and one who doesn't there is a major difference with the tone and texture of there skin ,

Jul 31, 2014

Traci L.

But it's all love Amy I respect your opinions

Jul 31, 2014

Amy S.

I agree with aging skin...

Taking about younger skin.

Jul 31, 2014

Angela J.

I'm glad you posted on this subject, Traci. I was starting to wonder why people have been hating on exfoliation lately lol! If I don't exfoliate, none of my products would sink in. My skin is a little on the dry side and I'm sure that's a big factor.

Jul 31, 2014

Traci L.

Yess I agree with that young skin doesn't need much lucky them lol

Jul 31, 2014

Angela J.

:( Amy you just reminded me I have old people skin haha!

Jul 31, 2014

Traci L.

Well like Amy said you don't wanna over do it either and dead skin is like a flim over your face it definitely is throwing your money on skincare down the toliet if your putting it over a build up of dead skin

Jul 31, 2014

Angela J.

So confused about this thread now though because product shown is a gel not a scrub.

Jul 31, 2014

Traci L.

It's just a cleanser but a detox so it's going to pull impurities from the skin you don't really need to do that daily it can dry your skin out

Jul 31, 2014

Angela J.

Oh I gotcha.