Acne medication and make up?


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Jul 31, 2014

Elaiah C.

So my doctor gave me some acne medication for the night and day time. At night time it's easy because I'm not wearing make up. But can I put the medication on and put make up ontop of it? I really don't want to walk around with red spots showing on my face...

Jul 31, 2014

Leona S.

Yes just moisturize after and let it all soak in and wait a 5/10 minutes so it all soaks in.

Jul 31, 2014

Elaiah C.

Okay thank you!!

Jul 31, 2014

Ms L.

Yea you should be able to. I also got medication for night and day. Just wash your face, put treatment, wait like 10 minutes for it to soak then moisturize and apply makeup.