How to feel comfortable without make up?


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Aug 5, 2014

Emily M.

Hey girls,... I've been having a lot of teenage "I hate my looks" problems.

My family is always on me about how I will not leave the house without make up. I try to tell them it's not my fault I feel ugly without it but they keep bugging me...

Most girls I've seen are just so naturally pretty without makeup... But if you don't feel pretty without it, what do you do so that you can go without it??

Aug 5, 2014

Regan N.

Following because I struggle with the same problem. If I go out without concealer under my eyes and covering acne/scarring, then I know I will feel insecure and want to leave wherever I am because I feel like people are staring at it, when in reality they probably aren't.

Aug 5, 2014

Emily M.

Thanks for showing that you understand! It's rough and in not sure what to do. I know it seems like a personal problem, I'm just wondering what other women on here do in that situation

Aug 5, 2014

Hannah C.

I have really bad self conscious issues with looking good without makeup too, but I wasn't wearing it for volleyball this morning and was told three times I looked beautiful without makeup and had flawless skin. It's really just something we think in our heads. It's just us picking on ourselves when really we don't need makeup to be beautiful. We just are. (:

Aug 5, 2014

Caitriona H.

There's no magic cure or phrase I'm afraid. For me it was time and my skin clearing up that helped. I say this to everyone but I think a major part of it is learning to think more about the people around you and on yourself less. Like when I was in work and started to feel shy or uncomfortable I'd look around at all the people around me and try to figure out what problems they were having or picking out things I liked about them. Pulling your thoughts away from "omg omg I have a huge spot" or "uhh are my bags showing" and keeps you focused on something else trains the mind to not make mountains out of mohills and at the end of the day you realise that no one else noticed and it didn't effect your day at all.
I think sometimes we can get fixated on things when we feel self concious and prevent ourselves from having a good time and then our minds train themselves to think that because we didn't wear that dress or wear eyeliner or whatever was the reason we had a bad time.

Aug 5, 2014

Rissa G.

It's mind over matter.

Aug 5, 2014

Caitriona H.

And thats why girls become dependent on it and feel the 'need' to wear it to have a good time.

Aug 5, 2014

Shaye M.

I used to be like you, all through high school I covered up my face everyday because I literally felt like my face would hurt peoples eyes, they used to act like I was another race completely because I have freckles, my brows were light af and without mascara my eyes are like non existent lmao, so I became dependant mostly on foundation and my brows for the first couple years but when I got to grade 12 about 3 months before I graduated I just realised I was probably never going to see those people again, and I havent. I just think strangers in our everyday life should play no part in how a person dresses or acts, they really play near to no part in your life and if they can't accept you for who you are, its actually a poor reflection of them, not you. You're beautiful; just do your own thing. It took me a lot of time to realise and I wish when I was in grade 8 I wouldve known that too lol. :)

Aug 5, 2014

Emily M.

Thank you all of you! It really helps a lot

Aug 5, 2014

Ursa M.

I have those problems a lot. if I leave without my under eye concealer or some foundation, I literally think people stare at my dark circles. also I really love bold makeup looks and I feel more confident when I have eye shadow and some lip gloss on.

Aug 5, 2014

Kendra H.

I know EXACTLY how you feel! It's taken me since I was ver young to get over this issue and I STILL haven't completely come to terms with myself. My tips:
1. Don't compare yourself to others. I KNOW it's hard but try to fight those feelings. You won't look like other girls because you are you and not them!

2. Gradually pair down your makeup use. I gradually took one item away or replaced it with a lighter coverage alternative. This way it wasn't such a crazy contrast from a lot of makeup to no makeup. For example get rid of your eyeshadow one day onl having some mascara or opt for a bb cream instead of foundation.

3. Your don't have to loose all makeup! Try going out with only concealer on! I used to do that! It's a lot less time consuming than a whole face and can help cover those small things you might not really live about yourself.

4. Encourage yourself. I KNOW it sounds really cornet. But for 2 minutes every single day before I walk out my door no matter what I look like; I tell myself I'm beautiful. It's made such a difference in my attitude toward myself. You say it enough and you start to believe it.

Those are just a few of the things I've done. And no I'm not perfect I do t see myself as perfect. I still have a hard time going out without makeup but these should help! :) stay strong! You're not alone!

Aug 5, 2014

Emily B.

Honestly Honey, you have a great support system it sounds like from family. That's definitely a major plus. For me, it was my skin. I had so many medications that if I didn't take I couldn't physically function from my rheumatoid arthritis. I already felt weird being in a wheelchair one day and sometimes walking fine the next. Most people just didn't understand. On top of that I had bad hormonal break outs, my skin is combo and sensitive. My acne was really bad and no matter what I tried it didn't help. It may sound clich? now, but my wonderful now fianc? helped me. He always has told me I'm beautiful, without makeup or with. He encouraged me to try the caveman regimen, which helped me. I only put on my medications or occasionally a moisturizer or sunscreen. I did ease off of wearing makeup. I tend to wear it when my eyes are very dark because they are hyper pigmented or over bad-bad- break outs. love yourself and accept your skin. I would leave notes for myself in places I went or used, such as the bathroom mirror or my bjnder.

Aug 5, 2014

Massiell C.

This is me without makeup. Girl, trust me you don't have to feel insecure! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. If I had the willpower to go to school or anywhere without makeup, you can too. There's no shame!

Aug 5, 2014

Alexandra C.

Everyone has flaws we just need to learn to love ourselfs. the only reason I wear makeup is because it makes me feel good about myself I don't care what other people think of me. were all beautiful in our own ways. I use to hate my curly hair I use staighten it every single day. god created us and we should love who we are. be yourself and be true. don't let othee judge you... don't judge a book by its cover it what matters on the inside.(pic is me with no makeup)

Aug 5, 2014

Kenna S.

A smile is the most expensive cosmetic. But it's truly worth every penny. ~me lol. 😊😉

There is no reason to feel insecure about yourself. Its nothing wrong with a little bit but a full face would be excessive every single day. But I think that you have to find it in yourself to understand that you are not ugly! Sometimes I don't get how the prettiest girls think they are ugly.

But you are a teen and most of us go through that phase aha

Aug 5, 2014

Julia C.

Remember that you are beautiful if you take care of your skin your beauty will shine out from the inside out. Also being happy and confident in yourself ( fake it till you make it ) always looks good. Also, surround yourself with positive people :) like my boyfriend tells me " why cover up what's already beautiful" hope this helps :) stay strong

Aug 5, 2014

Olivia A.

I struggle with all this stuff to 😭
You are soooo pretty though! You don't need to be insecure without makeup because you are absolutely gorgeous!! 😘

Aug 5, 2014

Andrea V.

There's no cure for this disease, you just have to learn to love yourself<3 I'm sorry I don't have any tips for you or I am not really expanding into it. It's something personal but just remember you can always open up to us for support:)

Aug 5, 2014

Marta Z.

You're so beautiful! When I first started using makeup I couldn't go out without it and started noticing all my flaws. You just need to understand that everyone cares about themselves and doesn't notice your imperfections as much as you do :) you're really pretty the way you are, and don't focus on things you don't like about yourself, focus on the positive and be yourself! This is me without makeup :) hopefully this helps!

Aug 5, 2014

Olivia A.

If you ever need to talk...I'm here for you! 💜