How to get rid of strawberry legs?


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Aug 6, 2014

Melissa J.

Whenever I shave I still have like those black things on my leg(lol I don't what they're called) but it really bothers me...does anybody know how to get rid of thm? Thanks.

Aug 6, 2014

Massiell C.

Do you mean razor bumps?

Aug 6, 2014

Massiell C.

You can take a cotton ball (or several) and dip them into some ALCOHOL FREEEE Witch Hazel. It. Works. WONDERSSSSSS.

Aug 6, 2014

Kealey G.

I get these they're called pot holes I think and it's like you can still see the hair and even when you've shaved it like you've not shaved it's so annoying :(

Aug 6, 2014

Rissa G.

Ugh I get those, too -.-

Aug 6, 2014

Melissa J.

Visible hair

Aug 6, 2014

Kealey G.

Like that, there is mine :(

Aug 6, 2014

Rissa G.

I've exfoliated, used a new shaver, even use men's shavers. never dull, it's smooth but the hair is still visible under the skin if that makes sense.

Aug 6, 2014

Juni H.

Well maby if you wax it of instead so you get the roots of the hairs also ☺️

Aug 6, 2014

Yaira D.

Omg I dislike that >. <. It's usually visible on my lower shins.

Aug 6, 2014

Llesenia S.

My sister has that. She just has thick hair so she can't really get rid of it.

Aug 6, 2014

Bry R.

Thick, dark hair and pale skinned people have this problem. We just have really dark follicles. The only way to get rid of the dark spots is to wax, you'll be pulling them out. Now as for the little holes, I think those are just big pores. If you have big pores on your face, you probably have em on your legs too. I'm glad I'm not alone in this. I just ignore it. People are too worried about their own bodies to notice yours. Usually. One day in band camp this chick decided to point it out. Back then I had no clue what it was and needles to say I was super self conscious about it for awhile.

Aug 6, 2014

Bry R.

Needless not needles lol.

Aug 7, 2014

Melissa J.

Thank you everyone

Aug 7, 2014

Monia C.

I have that problem as well! it really bothers me!! so I just cover it up with body foundation when I wear dresses :p.

Aug 7, 2014

Anastasiya K.

Wow I have this and I didn't even know this was a problem. No one even looks that closely honestly.

Aug 7, 2014

Z M.

Well then you need to start need to pull out the hair from the root or else you will continue having this probably because you are only shaving meaning the hair under your skin remains

Aug 7, 2014

Z M.

Or start lasering

Aug 7, 2014

Melissa J.

Ok thank you everyone!