Super deep ingrown hair?


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Aug 1, 2014

Bridgette D.

So I'm used to shaving down there and a few months ago a got a flesh-colored bump. After being there for some time I went to see the doc to make sure it wasn't a big deal. She said that it was an ingrown hair and that she could lance it out if it really bugged me but no need to otherwise. It's been there for awhile and has started to bug me but I would prefer letting it come out on its own rather than lancing it out. Is there anything I can do to make it come out without digging it out myself? I haven't shaved in about a month too, the hairs still in there.

Aug 1, 2014

Alyx T.

A warm compress can sometimes bring it to the surface, but most of the time it needs to be landed. I believe there are creams for them too, but I don't know if it's for preventing or if it would help an already formed one.

Aug 1, 2014

Ti H.

Try using a product called plum is a roll on product you use for ingrown is a roll on product to use while your hair is growing back out...I use every day when my hair starts to grow out from a bikini wax

Aug 1, 2014

Ti H.

If you use it maybe morning and night...the chemical in it might exfoliate the skin enough fir you to get it out yourself...I hope it's not too late. this product helps allot...Good for the under arms as well.

Aug 1, 2014

Yaya B.

I would personally try to get it out then clean with anti bacterial soap and put neosporin on it... I heard TendSkin is also a great product for this.