How log do you like your hair most?


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Oct 30, 2014

Sabrina T.

I was wondering what your dream length is! I love y hair down to my tailbone :)

Oct 30, 2014

Olivia A.

Mid back for me although I have never had it quite that long 😭

Oct 30, 2014

Shawna L.

My favorite length was a bit above my belly button but I chopped it off 2 amlost 3 years ago to my collar bone and donated it and now its to my waist almost. And I love the length.

Oct 30, 2014

katie s.

To my waist. No longer bc then it looks flat and it's just to long, but to your waist it's really long & you can do so much with it! My hair used to be that long, but then I cut it 😔

Oct 30, 2014

Sabrina T.

I'm really tall and my hair is to my boob. I've been taking Hair Skin Nails by Vitamin Shoppe and my hair is very very healthy and it grows just a ya bit faster :)

Oct 30, 2014

Becky R.

I don't like having super long hair, I did when I was younger but now my hair is like mid length (like to my boobs, if you get me? Loll) I think I'm going to get it cut into a long bob soon though:)

Oct 30, 2014

Naomie S.

I can not stand having my hair past my chin!! cx

Oct 30, 2014

Olivia G.

Too my butt. I'm halfway there now.

Oct 30, 2014

Regan N.

To my waist or even my hip bones would be lovely. 😊

Oct 30, 2014

Shiro M.

I like mine around my mid to lower back. Waist length is too long, but a few inches shorter then that is perfect

Oct 31, 2014

Tealy A.

It's to my waist right now, and I love it ^.^

Oct 31, 2014

Alice L.

I honestly love having short hair, I had my hair on my collar bone but I cut it most it off to make it a pixie cut,( I do track n field and it is mandatory for girls to have pixie cut to join track n fields but I don't care) but I could grow my hair that would be how long my hair would be

Oct 31, 2014

Sarah L.

Tbh I miss my long hair a lot. It used to be down to my hips as a lil kid. now I'm growing it out so it's about to the middle of my ribcage/a bit lower than my breasts. but I think my ideal length would be like to my belly button.

Oct 31, 2014

Maria B.

This is my longest I've ever had.

Oct 31, 2014

Brittany M.

Mid back almost there to :)

Oct 31, 2014

Gloria G.

I had it by my hips then cut it to a really short bob 😞😞

Nov 2, 2014

Kat B.

I love shorter hair but since I'm in musical theatre and I had asking the directors if I can cut my hair I don't have it short but I like shoulder length or shorter the best.