How to remove stubborn whiteheads.


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Dec 14, 2014

Breanna W.

Is there anything I can do at home to get rid of the stubborn whiteheads on my cheek? Thanks :)))

Dec 14, 2014

Faith F.

I use an extractor tool, it's not all that great for the skin but it gets them out, as long as you push hard enough and know how to do it.

Dec 14, 2014

Breanna W.

Thanks. I will have to check that out. :)

Dec 16, 2014

Lynn W.

This is how I do it, and I was taught this by my skin therapist. first of all wash your hands before touching your skin, second of all you will need a sterilized needle and some rubbing alchol to put on it after, you pick at the whitehead with the needle just to open it and then you take 2 ear cleaners and you gently start to push it out, if it starts to bleed stop immediately, if white goo comes out then keep going until you get all of it out. then when youre finished, soak a rubbing alchol on a ear cleaner and hold it to the infected area for 30 seconds. in the morning your whitehead will be gone. I do not recommend doing this in the day time because then the dirt and pollution from outside can infect your open whitehead, do this in the evening before you go to sleep, good luck!

Dec 16, 2014

Lynn W.

Dec 17, 2014

Breanna W.

Thanks soo much. This is really convenient. :)))