CetaPhil gentle skin cleanser.


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Dec 11, 2014

Sarah N.

The reason the SLS in Cetaphil doesn't affect anyone (except for those with SUPER problematic skin, who probably need something condition-sensitive anyways) is because you wash it off very quickly. It's not a mask, a cosmetic, or anything you'd leave on. SLS does affect your skin, but in such a short period of time, it's highly unlikely you'll experience any side effects. I like it from my few experiences with it. As for "is it worth it", it's super cheap where I am, so of course! Anything at that price is worth a shot!

Dec 11, 2014

T D.

I personally love it because my skin is super sensitive, but I guess it depends on the person. A plus is if you get it in your eyes it doesn't sting as much 😊

Dec 11, 2014

Sarah N.

I used it for a year a little while back, I recently switched to a different cleanser so I could get one formulated for oily skin. I will admit, unlike Taylor my skin isn't very sensitive. It's acne-prone, which was why I tried this, but it doesn't react to too much. It's certainly never reacted to SLS before, so it wasn't a worry for me.

Dec 11, 2014

Jennifer M.

I'm the odd ball that reacts to it. I was getting little bumps that I thought were acne (and therefore washing it more and making it worse). I found out it was dermatitis. I switched to boscia black cleanser, never had the white spots again.

Dec 11, 2014

Mizz Mea M.

I was told to use it by my dermatologist because I have problematic skin. The only problem I have is after I take off my makeup and wash my face with it my skin burns slightly. Also I feel it doesn't clean that well. It does not have a good lather to it but on the up side it has a clean fresh smell and it not that expensive.

Dec 12, 2014

Allison W.

I've used it for over a year and it works great for me: it's very simple and it's gentle enough to use with my clarisonic. I'm 35 with sensitive combination skin and Rosacea for reference.

Dec 12, 2014

Bianca P.

My skin loves it, am 35 and from the time I started using it am nt having any hormonal pimples