Acne help and question!!😩😷


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Oct 26, 2014

Talisha H.

I've been hearing a lot about Neosporin helping with acne. I've just been afraid to use it because of this one huge question "wouldn't the oils make you brake out more?" If anybody could answer this for me, that would be great. Also, if there are anymore suggestions for acne that would be helpful too. Thank you:)

Oct 26, 2014

Elisabeth M.

No actually. Oily skin actually needs more moisture then dry skin, since the oils coating the face aren't moisturizing oils, it's good to keep a heavy moisturizer on hand. Try spectro, Vichy, or just bio oil.

Oct 26, 2014

Gisell G.

Probably if it was a pimple that you popped then yes because it's considered an open wound & that's what it's for