Makeup ideas.for Gypsy Costume!?


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Oct 28, 2014

Vanessa L.

Going to be a gypsy for.halloween and ideassss!

Oct 28, 2014

Vanessa L.

Please include pictures.if.possible.

Oct 28, 2014

Sara A.

Dark lips, black smoky eye, very curly hair. if you search up gypsy make up on Google you'd get a lot of ideas

Oct 28, 2014

Melissa M.

Probably a sultry dark Somkey eye With a dark lip Wavy hair with the wand and lots of volume.

Oct 28, 2014

Hannah D.

These are really pretty:)

Oct 28, 2014

Hannah D.


Oct 28, 2014

Hannah D.


Oct 28, 2014

Hannah D.

I think that inner eye liner is really pretty for a gypsy-esque look:). And face jewels are a cute accessory too:)

Oct 29, 2014

W J.

A gypsy costume will be found by many people as offensive. Don't be that person in the culturally insensitive costume. Also the culture should be referred to as Romani.

Oct 29, 2014

Jen C.

Vanessa, we have the same idea for Halloween lol!! for my gypsy costume I'm doing a colored smokey eye to match the top with ultra dark lips. There are lots of good pics on here for ideas just search ( color you want) Smokey eyes. you should get a good bit of ideas that way.

Oct 30, 2014

Jack B.

That word is considered a racial slur by the people it describes (the Roma or Romani). It's not a big population in the US, but they are one of the most stigmatized and discriminated against groups in Europe. I would suggest calling yourself a fortune teller, palm reader or some similar description - it'll get the same point across without being offensive to anyone.

Oct 30, 2014

Vanessa L.

Thanks everyone ill look up smokey eye ideas. as for hair, I curl with the wand but I work that night til 10 and I would have to already dressed.with makeup and hair.done since I'm going out right after so I night just straighten my hair.nice my head will be covered anyways. as for racial slur, I'm only going by what is on the front of my costume package and it is considered a gypsy. didnt meant to offend anyone.

Oct 30, 2014

Vanessa L.

Jen C., post a pic of.your costume to see if its the same one?

Oct 30, 2014

W J.

This is disgusting

Oct 30, 2014

W J.

That has to be the most ignorant thing I've read in a long time.

Oct 30, 2014

W J.

*one of the most ignorant

Oct 30, 2014

W J.

I sure hope you make better choices in other aspects of life.

Oct 30, 2014

Jen C.

The name gypsy wasn't always consider a racial slur, although many who do not know the true definition of the term have made it into one. The romani people aren't all gypsys. If you look up the term gypsy it defines it as a very skilled person of romani culture who traveled and had a variety of talents. They were artist, dancers, fortune tellers, extremely skilled craftsman who were secretive and held on to their homeland traditions very tightly. My great grandmother was a romani gypsy, she traveled, read cards and did off hand jobs to support herself and her three kids. The general ignorance of the term is why the name has been tarnished so badly over the years. Romani is a cultural background, but to be a gypsy is a different way of life.

Oct 30, 2014

Jen C.

Vanessa here is my costume. I am still debating wearing a scarf since it is cold here and I will have my cloak on too.

Oct 30, 2014

Vanessa L.

Whitney what is so ignorant about me not knowing that that was a racial slur? I was only goung by what thw title of the costume says on he packaging but now I know its offensive to some ppl. cut a girl some slack dam.

Oct 30, 2014

W J.

No you're ignorant because you've been informed of the improprieties of the costume and you still chose to wear it, denying that it is inappropriate to wear it simply because the costume can be bought at a store.