I think its worth sharing!


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Dec 22, 2014

Brianna M.

Thank you!! I needed this!

Dec 22, 2014

Shanae J.

I feel like that would make my lips look extremely fake and drawn on, although it is, you don't want people to know that! Thanks for sharing though!

Dec 22, 2014

Emily W.

I think this is from The Beauty Department blog.

I really don't like this overdrawn lip trend. It always looks fake; the texture and volume betrays the real lip-line.

Dec 22, 2014

Gisell G.

I've tried this but it looks really fake & over drawn on me:/ I think it's because my lip line is thickish

Dec 22, 2014

Jenny A.

I've been playing around with contouring my lips. The key is not to use the dark color all the way around. Try to only put it where a shadow would fall, under the bottom lip, between the cupids bow. Also if your lips are fuller, they would probably still be less full at the sides of the mouth, so it looks more real if you actually follow your natural lip line on the edges of the mouth. Don't for get to add some highlighting to the middle of the lip as well. Also, you usually need a darker, but still fairly sheer lipstick to cover the contouring. I had good luck with NYX's lip butter for this.

Dec 23, 2014

Brittany H.

I think if you only overdraw slightly it doesn't look fake. Especially if you only overdraw at the middle bottom and top and taper down to the real lip line on the side it looks pretty real!