How can I find the right foundation shade?


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Dec 27, 2014

Astasia R.

I've been on a hunt for looking for a good foundation shade, & I don't want to get a shade that's a whole different color. Lol help!!

Dec 27, 2014

Hannah K.

Normally what I do is put a line of foundation on my jaw, take a mirror and go look at it in natural light. Foundation that is the right shade will basically disappear into your skin. Don't test on your hands or chest, they're a different color from your face most of the time.

Dec 27, 2014

Kathryn R.

If you have a Sephora nearby they will let you take free samples of any brand and any color you want and you can try them out at home to be certain. I love that about Sephora. I agree with Hannah, definitely don't test on your hands. I usually try to match the neck and shoulders so everything blends into the same color.

Dec 27, 2014

Astasia R.

Thank you so much!!

Dec 27, 2014

Meghan B.

Test it on your cheek do not try it on the back of your hand because of what Hannah said the skin tone is not the same.

Dec 27, 2014

Claire R.

Matching it to the inside of your wrist will give you the most accuracy

Dec 27, 2014

Stacy Eichler F.

I have always matched on the underside of my wrist. I also have a shade card that helps me

Dec 27, 2014

Samantha R.

If you go to Sephora, they may try the Color IQ machine on you. I've tried it twice at two different Sephoras and it did not work. If they do it, they may need to tweak the results and make sure to test the foundation there before you get a sample. They do give you a nice size sample though which is great.

Dec 27, 2014

Puck B.

You can look at your arm and look for a spot where the skin matches with the skin on your face.