Glamglow Supermud worth it?


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Dec 28, 2014

Madelyn S.

I've heard so much about the Glamglow Supermud mask. Is it really worth the $70? Has anyone tried it? I have very stubborn moderate acne and I swear I've tried everything from home remedies to high end dermatologist products. Does anyone think this would help? Any other recommendations? Thanks guys!

Dec 28, 2014

Avery S.

I havent personally tried it but everyone's skin is different. if you could possibley get a sample or something like that before buying it, that would be good. but I mean if it has good reviews, the only way to know for yourself is by trying it.

Dec 28, 2014

W J.

I have a sample of it and a origins one that the lady at sephora said was better, I'm going to try the glamglow on tonight! I've tried the green one, it didn't do anything , like literally nothing, so I'm not expecting greatness from this one.

Dec 28, 2014

Madelyn S.

Let me know what you think!!

Dec 28, 2014

W J.


Dec 28, 2014

Ariana G.

Ok stop yourself. Go to TJMaxx and look in the beauty section bcuz they sometimes sell the Glamglow masks for cheap there. Wouldnt hurt to look. At my TJMaxx I saw it for $40.

Dec 28, 2014

Traci P.

Don't buy it full price, as Ariana said you can get it around half off from TJMaxx. I have also seen it around $40 at Marshalls and I purchased mine from my local Costco for $35.

Dec 28, 2014

Madelyn S.

Wow!! Thanks Ariana and Traci! I have a Costco nearby that I will definitely check!

Dec 29, 2014

Ariana G.

Np, glad I could help.