Hair dye problems


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Dec 7, 2014

Chris N.

I have pitch black asian hair and I want to go lighter without bleaching if possible..
I just tried L'oreal excellence ash blonde but there's only a slight change, nodoby noticed lol
how can I get this color below

Dec 7, 2014

Shaye M.

Putting colour over colour isn't going to work, bleaching or finding a colour made for dark hair will be your only options. As for this Colour it looks like a golden brown to me, you could dye your hair that Colour after you've lightened it a little bit. Keep in mind you wouldn't have to bleach to blonde to get the colour you're looking for, one lift would probably be enough. :)

Dec 7, 2014

Chris N.

Thanks for replying :) I'm a hair newbie :3 what product should I use? I've read things about 20 or 30 volume I don't know what it means..

Dec 7, 2014

Shaye M.

Okay, well that's the volume of peroxide you'd apply to the bleach. Is your hair in healthy condition? Personally I use 20vol when I bleach my hair but my hair is fairly light (strawberry blonde) naturally. I'd suggest a 30 vol on black hair, don't ever use 40; especially if you aren't familiar with bleaching your hair. I hope that makes sense lol. Bleach should only be kept on from anywhere from 30-60 minutes though you need to keep an extra careful eye on your hair while it's processing to make sure it isn't damaging your hair to extremes and check up on the lightening and how your hair looks about every 10 minutes to keep track of the colour it's going :) you'll also need a bleaching powder to mix with your peroxide.

Dec 7, 2014

Chris N.

My hair is healthy no split ends so far, I have never changed my hair color so thats why I'm a little worried about bleaching ^^ I'll keep your advice mind :)

Dec 7, 2014

Shaye M.

Oh well that's good news! Bleaching isn't terrible for your hair, it's just when it's not looked after whilst doing it or using the incorrect volume peroxide :) if your hairs healthy then it shouldn't feel any different after just one bleach :)