What U Think Is Better Curly Or Staraight Hair??:)


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Dec 27, 2012

Jocy J.

what u think is better curly or staraight hair??:)

Dec 27, 2012

Elise L.

depends! 9 times out of 10 ill curl my hair though

Dec 27, 2012

Carson T.

I like mine both ways, but I prefer it straight. 

Dec 27, 2012

Allison W.

I love straight hair on other people, but when I straighten mine, it feels like a makeup brush and I can't keep my hands off it, which makes it oily fast! I look like myself with curly hair:) I think the grass is greener though because a lot of straight haired girls curl it up!!! Aren't we lucky to be living in a time when it's easy to have access to good products and tools at affordable prices so we can switch it up daily???:)

Dec 27, 2012

Carrie A.

Which ever your hair naturally is. If you let your hair be natural it will thank you much 

Dec 27, 2012

Emily C.

My hair is very straight, and I love it that way, but I curl it for special occasions. But it also kinda sucks to have straight hair because even when you use hair spray, it never holds:P

Dec 27, 2012

Aisha K.

I have straight, but I love curly! I feel like it's a great option if your hair might be a bit dirty/oily. Like 2 day old hair etc ❤ 

Dec 27, 2012

Shelley W.


Dec 27, 2012

Vanessa G.


Dec 27, 2012

Marguerite P.

Well since the 40's becoming a big thing this season the curls I say r "the go 2" with the latest/ recycled w/ a modern twist

Dec 27, 2012

Allie S.

True gemini cant decide. Ive been straightening my hair since i was 8 and im 15 now the only reason i do that is because my hair is not long and luscious like before and my waves look stupid. I really like straight hair but curly hair js beautiful and sexy and brings out bone structure. I dont know. 

Dec 27, 2012

Stacey L.

Straight! Everyone has different tastes but toe straight is sexy and curly is cute and honestly ill rather look sexy than cute any day but thats my taste lol 

Dec 27, 2012

Chelsea S.

i love mine natural, so curly all the way! its like a freakin lion mane xD

Dec 27, 2012

Caitlyn M.

Natrualy I have straight hair but some times I curl it. Depends.