How long should I wait to bleach my hair again.


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Sep 2, 2014

Ashley T.

I bleached my hair at the end of the month of July and I don't know how long to wait to bleach my hair again the first time I did it my ends felt a little rubbery but it been a month since I bleached so should it be okay to bleach it agian.

Sep 2, 2014

Albina g.

It really depends on the texture and the overall health of your hair. for me, my hair was really healthy to begin with so I never had to wait longer then a week between coloring/bleaching if needed but a friend of mine had to wait a couple of months because her hair was almost dead.
try to figure out what state your hair is in or consult a professional.

Sep 2, 2014

Krupa B.

Probably best to ask a professional but normally people wait one-two weeks
hope you've been using deep conditioners

Sep 2, 2014

Ashley T.

My hair is good I am dying it pastel blue pastel purple and maybe turquoise.

Sep 2, 2014

Hayley E.

I bleached myn around the same time and out of fear of the horror stories I heard with people bleaching their hair and it breaking I used a hydrating serum for two weeks right after I bleached it. Now you would never know my hair is so silky and smooth.