Vice 3 Review!!


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Oct 15, 2014

Hannah K.

Hi ladies, I know I've only been posting sporadically lately, but I've been super busy and I'm sorry about that.

I wanted to take a minute to talk about the Vice 3, because I actually haven't seen many reviews on it (mostly just, "who's going to get it!?") and I think it's worth a pretty thorough review. I got the original Vice palette two years ago, and honestly, I'm not the biggest fan of it. They apparently hadn't perfected their new formulation or something, because I thought their mattes were chalky, their shimmers were more shimmer than color, and the shades just refused to blend. So, I skipped on the Vice 2 last year, but this year I just couldn't pass it up. I saw xSparkage's video review and her look (if you're not already subscribed to her, she's wonderful), and the color Sonic and I just COULDN't RESIST.

So, I've had the chance to play with the palette for the last two weeks or so, and honestly I love it. Like I said, I'm a bit more busy than normal these days, which means much less time spent doing makeup, so I haven't messed with it as much as absolutely possible, but I've done enough. Now, I may say some things that those of you who know me really well will find surprising (neutrals, what's up?) but I'm just trying to give the absolute best review I can =)

First of all, I think there is a GREAT ratio of neutrals to wild shades, because there are actually 11 neutrals and 9 brights.

the neutral shades are:
-Truth (a matte nude-pink shade, with some small silver glitter)
-Undone ( a darker pinkish brown shade, also with glitter)
-Downfall (an actual matte fawn typed brown, which is an absolutely wonderful crease shade for simple looks, it actually looks extremely natural)
-DTF (a cool toned brown with golden micro glitter)
-Brokedown (which reminds me of their eyeshadow and eyeliner in Smog, its like a black-gold the way fool's gold looks, translated directly to eyeshadow)
-Reign (which is just a warm, chocolatey brown with golden glitter)
-Bobby Dazzle (which reminds me of Polyester Bride, the original shade, not the beige remake. It's just a shimmery white eyeshadow but it's really nice)
-Last Sin (which reminds me of Sin, the eyeshadow primer, it's very glittery and nice looking)
-Angel (which is an ULTRA glittery taupe shade)
-Defy (a deep grey-brown) and
-Revolver (a graphite colored shimmery shadow that I LOVE as a lower lash liner).

The wild shades are:
-Dragon (a bright, shimmery green that I wore to a football game, it lasted through rain)
-Freeze (to me, this literally looks like what the word "freeze" would suggest. its a shimmery blue with a green shift to it)
-Heroine (to me, this was one of the chalkier's a navy blue with a bit of glitter to it. It has a matte base, so it's a bit dry feeling, but it is a totally beautiful color)
-Vanity (which is a deep purple that has a golden cast, it's a really warm purple shade, which I don't see a lot of, so I'm a fan)
-Lucky (a copper shade that some may think is neutral, but I personally think it's way too metallic and gorgeous to be considered "just a neutral")
-Alien (a baby pink that I haven't touched yet because it scares me, I'm just not a pink person)
-Alchemy (which scares me less because it's a GORGEOUS hot pink that almost has a purple tone to it)
-Bondage (which looks a bit like Blackheart, but with a deep raspberry pink base and a light pink still looks similar to me)
-Sonic (the reason I bought the palette, It's a rusty reddish metallic color that I'm madly in love with)

So, those are the shades. Here's what I love: they blend together seamlessly like almost every other UD shadow I've ever tried and there are new and unusual shades. I'm a sucker for gorgeous shades, and I really love the way they all work, almost like you could pick any three shades and make a seamlessly beautiful look (actually, I'd accept that as a challenge, if anyone wants to randomly suggest some shades) and I just think this may be one of the most worthwhile palettes that I've ever gotten. If you're thinking about it, and just haven't been fully convinced yet, I hope this convinces you. It's just so beautiful, I really can't speak highly enough of it.

Please, please let me know if you have any questions or comments, and I'd love to hear your thoughts if you have this palette too =)

Oct 15, 2014

Brianna M.

I know this isn't really part of your post but will urban decay ever release the first two vice pallets? I missed those and I really want them. have they ever done something like that before? and I so hope I can get my hands on the third before that goes away too.

Oct 15, 2014

Hannah K.

I actually doubt that they will, but there are swap groups on facebook wherein people sell or swap makeup, and someone might have them =) also, if you want the third one UD is having a 20% off sale this week so this is probably the best time!

Oct 15, 2014

Caitlin M.

I love the vice 3. I did get 2 and I do still enjoy it but I think 3 has to be my favorite. The first one I like too but I do have to admit I don't reach for it much anymore. Before 3 I did find myself going for 2 more. I absolutely love the shade Angel. And Sonic, Lucky and Dragon. Sadly I still haven't got to use Dragon yet, or Bobby Dazzle which I like because as you said looks like Polyester Bride, which was my favorite. I didn't know the newer formulation of it was beige?? I need to play with it more though lol. I haven't been doing many crazy looks like I like because of work sadly.

But I agree with this review whole heartedly?

Oct 15, 2014

Hannah K.

The new formulation of it looks seriously beige-ish to me, but that's because the first one was just like the epitome of a "polyester bride," it was ultra white and sparkly and amazing.

Dragon is like wow...It seriously lasted through 8 or so hours of tailgating, an hour of pouring rain, the whole football game, and was basically perfect up until I got home and took it off. It's my second favorite shade because Sonic is just perfect!

I understand, I just actually don't have time for as much makeup anymore because it's my junior year of college so it's a ton of work and stuff that needs doing...ugh. Thanks though I somehow knew you would agree lol

Oct 15, 2014

Alli P.

UGHHH, why did you have to post this? lol. I was really trying to hold off on buying this. I was immediately drawn to Sonic as well and a few other shades, but not much else and not worth buying in my opinion. However, the more I see it and the more looks I see using it, I'm becoming quickly convinced. And I trust your opinion, because you have amazing taste in palettes. :p Plus with UD doing their 20% off, how can I ignore that? It's like a sign.

Oct 15, 2014

Caitlin M.

The question marks are supposed to be emojis lol.

Oct 15, 2014

Hannah K.

Aww thanks Alli, that's really sweet of you to say!

I really love it, I wouldn't build it up for nothing, you know? I think it's totally worth it, and getting an extra $12 or something off of it is pretty great =) I think that the way you kind of have to look at it is that the bright colors are really cool and unusual, and the neutrals are just there to give the bright colors a background.

Oct 15, 2014

Hannah K.

I got it, Caitlin, sometimes the website/app doesn't like the emoji world (which I think is good because this whole review might have been solely emojis otherwise)

Oct 15, 2014

Alli P.

I think I'm just going to have to do it. -.- I was planning in picking up a couple of Too Faced's holiday sets, but I may just do one of those and the vice palette. Although I suppose I could do all of it, but the boyfriend will probably be a little unhappy lol.

Oct 15, 2014

Hannah K.

Oh do you want a review on the Everything Nice palette, too? I could probably help you decide which would work better for you. I'd also REALLY suggest looking at xSparkage and Tarababyz to see their reviews on all of the Too Faced sets, because apparently some are better than others.

Oct 15, 2014

Alli P.

I already have watched them lol. I wanted the Everything Nice palette and Melted Kisses set. I think I'm leaning more toward Vice 3 and Melted Kisses. Really the only thing holding me back are the blushes, bronzer, and highlighter in the Everything Nice one. What do you think? I'm reeeally having a tough time deciding...obviously haha. ;)

Oct 15, 2014

Hannah K.

Well good, because Tara and Leesha are two of my absolute most favorite ladies on youtube!! I understand if you don't think you're going to use the bronzer highlighter and blushes, that's reasonable. I actually like the shadows on their own, though. They're all gorgeous, and the shade Too Glam is possibly the most gorgeous peacock color of all time. the thing is, for me, at least, that there are only 4 bright shades in the Too Faced palette. I do really like it, and I think it's pretty and easy to work with, but it depends on what you like, you know? and do you have any of the melted lipsticks at all, or would this be your first experience with them?

Oct 15, 2014

Alli P.

I'm sorry, I should have worded that different. I do love the blushes and such, and I definitely see myself using all four. I like the shadows a tiny bit more in the Vice 3, but I like how the Too Faced palette comes with more than just shadows, you know? Sorry, I made that pretty confusing. And no, I don't actually own one yet. I've only ever tried them in store. I really liked how it wore though, and would love to try that set out.

Oct 15, 2014

Hannah K.

Ahhh okay that makes MUCH more sense =)

so...yes, the shadows are much nicer in the Vice 3, with a better variation and, I think, far more interesting shades. It really is kind of disappointing, the fact that there are only four shades that are cool or different. that said, though, the Everything Nice palette shades are really quite pretty, especially for neutrals. They have an interesting deep black/brown shade with golden glitter in it that's just so great, for a neutral. I'm probably not making this easier, but let's try and break it down...

Vice 3: $60, 20 shades, 9 are really crazy, but there are no extras. there's also 20% off, so that makes it what, $48?

Everything Nice: $56, 20 eyeshadows, 4 wild colors, 4 face products.

that's all of the math laid out. now...

which do you prefer? bright shadows or more neutral shadows? and do you have any palettes that might make either of the palettes seem sort of unnecessary?

Personally, I'd go with the Vice 3, if forced to choose. It's just more interesting, in my opinion.

The Melted lipsticks are really nice, I like them a lot. the staying power could be better, but it's certainly not bad and the shades they offer are beautiful!

Oct 15, 2014

Alli P.

I guess if I had to choose between bright or neutrals, I'd probably side with bright colors. Although, I'm certainly not opposed to neutrals.
I don't have too many "bright" palettes, so I'm thinking Vice would make more sense. I just wish Too Faced would bundle the four face products separately, so I wouldn't have to make this decision lol. But I guess that's where they get you, huh? Maybe I'll buy one this friday, and the other next payday haha. :p

And while I have your attention, do you own UD's Shadow Box? I'm contemplating picking that up too.

Oct 15, 2014

Hannah K.

I'm thinking about buying it now that the sale is happening, actually, so we'll see how that goes. what's your impression of it? I'd love to hear, because I suck at decision making.

also, you may want to check out this Too Faced palette: because it's all of their face things in one. the other option would be the Bonjour Soleil palette, which is just all of their bronzers.

I think you should pick the palette that fills the sort of "gaps" in your collection, so if that's the Vice 3 then it's perfect, it's $48 and when you get it, we should trade pictures of looks =)

Oct 15, 2014

Taylor G.

The palette looks gorgeous, I've been wanting a new palette and this sounds pretty good!

Oct 15, 2014

Hannah K.

It's really beautiful, Taylor, I don't think you'll be disappointed!

Oct 15, 2014

Alli P.

Oh, how did I not see that before? Maybe it would just make sense to go with that instead then, later down the road. Plus it's permanent, correct? That way I have time to get it, rather than having to snatch it up quickly like the Everything Nice set.
I'm really thinking I'll just go ahead and jump on the vice 3. It makes the most sense, seeing as I have nothing like it really.
And I'm horrible at decision making too lol, well at least with makeup. :p So I'm not sure how much help I'll be to you. But I saw it in store, couldn't swatch it, but fell in love. I would use literally every shadow in it. And I don't already have any of the shades, so I'm even more tempted. The only disappointing thing I found was the size. For some reason I thought it'd be bigger. But the colors are all beautiful, so I'm not really too worried about the size. Plus for the price, especially with the 20% off, you can't beat it. For sure picking that up.

Oct 15, 2014

Hannah K.

Yes, that face palette is permanent =)

That's sort of my feeling towards the shadow box, the colors are absolutely beautiful but I would probably only be getting it for Indo and Moonshadow, because those are the two I like the most and I have, I want to say, VERY close to every palette Urban Decay has ever made, so I have most of the old shades in the palette at least once or twice over. I probably have to go and play with it, because that will either convince me that I need it or convince me that I don't. obsession is such a difficult thing to control.

Oct 15, 2014

Alli P.

It most certainly is! I'm trying to build up a little self control more and more every week, but it's not working out so well lol. Thanks for all of your help! I really appreciate it. You've definitely helped out with my decision. :)

Oct 15, 2014

Hannah K.

No problem at all =) I genuinely enjoy talking about makeup and products and trying new things and such, so please feel free to ask me about anything!

Self control...there's a good concept. I'm also trying to work on it, but we'll see how that works out. especially now that I pay my own bills...ugh.

Oct 15, 2014

Brianna M.

Thank you so much Hannah I will definitely be checking those out on fb do you recommend any pages?

Oct 15, 2014

Hannah K.

Check out All Makeup Sell and Swap, and The Makeup Exchange Buy/Sell/Trade =) two different groups. The admins are wonderful just make sure you follow the rules.