DIY masks? Answers ASAP!


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Sep 21, 2014

Aubrie V.

I'm not sure about masks. But I know you shouldn't use lemon juice on your face. I think some other girls could explain it better though :)

Sep 21, 2014

Ciciii C.

Honey and yogurt is good!

Sep 21, 2014

Shiro M.

Lemon juice is too acidic and can burn or cause harm to your skin. I would suggest using the yogurt or honey as a mask, or mixing the honey, sugar, and oil together to make a scrub

Sep 21, 2014

Olivia A.

Shiro and Aubrie are right...noooo lemon juice. Very bad for you skin. You could do a honey and yoghurt mask and use oats if you have any.

PS: I know this is a late reply but hopeful you get it!

Sep 23, 2014

Ella M.

Egg white mask
Separate the whites
Leave on for 15 min then wash off with warm water