How to quickly get rid of a cystic pimple! 😭😭


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Sep 24, 2014

Tiffany S.

OWCH! They hurt and it's huge! Right on my chin, and one is forming right on my fore head! What the heck is wrong with me? I do not have money to see a derm? Can it go away on its own? Ughh.

Sep 24, 2014

Katherine L.

It can go away on its own but it's going to take a while.

You don't need to see a derm at this stage, but I'd recommend a nice drugstore face wash and acne gel.

What's your skin routine like right now?

Sep 24, 2014

Mathilde L.

I've never tried this but I've heard that it works take a q tip and dip in listerine and then put it on the pimple and go to sleep, it's supposed to dry the pimple out

Sep 24, 2014

Katherine L.

Don't do that Listerine thing because there's alcohol in most mouthwash and you don't want that on your face, especially when it's infused with teeth cleaning ingredients. Go with actual products.

Sep 24, 2014

Jennifer S.

I heard tea tree oil works good as a spot treatment

Sep 24, 2014

Tiffany S.

Currently, I wash my face morning and night with Clinique's 3 step skin care set. The cleaning liquid facial soap. Then the clarifying lotion clarifiante. I think that is toner. Then the moisturizing gel which is for oily skin.

Sep 24, 2014

Lauren B.

It's best to just leave them be other than nightly face cleansing. I get them a lot and they're a pain. I had one that was on my check for two months... It varies from person to person I guess. But since it's under the skin there's nothing you can really do.

Sep 24, 2014

Tiffany S.

Ok, thanks all!