Ideas for dry lips?? 👄


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Sep 12, 2014

Jillian M.

Okay, so I have -very- dryyy lips and whatever I do they crack and get chapped. If I go one night without any thing on my lips they are really cracked in the morning. I've tried vasaline, coconut oil, Chapstick, nothing works!!

Sep 12, 2014

Ari M.

Do you drink enough water? Also, do you lick your lips a lot?

Sep 12, 2014

Jillian M.

Ya I always have a water bottle w/ me. And no I don't lick my lips :(

Sep 12, 2014

Abigail R.

Maybe use ChapStick lol??

Sep 12, 2014

Jillian M.

I do but the second it comes off my lips are like the desert :(

Sep 12, 2014

Dottie G.

During the winter my lips were like that and it sucked haha so I out Carmex Chapstick and neosporin together and rubbed it into my lips so they absorbed it and it helped a whole lot and I did it like every morning and night

Sep 12, 2014

Kat A.

Aquaphor lip therapy (I believe it's called). girls swear by it. I like blistex & nivea.

Sep 12, 2014

Jillian M.

Thanks! I'll have to give that a try :)

Sep 12, 2014

Adriana T.

Vaseline! I my lips are unbelievably dry and Vaseline is the only thing that works really well for me

Sep 12, 2014

Linda G.

Try the vassaline for lips. It's like a little container. It's amazing. It stays on long and makes your lips really soft

Sep 12, 2014

Anna G.

Try exfoliating?

Sep 12, 2014

Jillian M.

Thanks for the tips! I'll check out buffs bees, and the Vaseline container:)

Sep 12, 2014

Jillian M.


Sep 12, 2014

Albina g.

Burt's bees (especially the mango and honey ones) and lucas papaw ointment are my life savers when it comes to dry lips. and ones they heal up a little and aren't so tender I make a little lip scrub using honey, suger and coconut oil.

Sep 12, 2014

Grace H.

Try the nivea lip butters! They leave my lips feeling so soft I love them!

Sep 12, 2014

Jillian M.

Thanks, I'll look into it, is it a target?

Sep 12, 2014

Ashley I.

I had the worst dry lips even. Like they were so bad one night my mom wanted to take me to the hospital. Blixtex medicated lip ointment(can get at drugstore or almost any food store, walmarts, super stores) it's like 4-5$ and it worked very well for me.

Sep 12, 2014

Sasha M.

Baby lips

Sep 12, 2014

Kat A.

Don't use just Vaseline. it isn't a moisturizer, it's a sealant. it'll give temporary relief, but won't actually solve the problem.

Sep 12, 2014

Kaleigh D.

A good thing to try is to apply vaseline over a chapstick or even an oil that is food friendly(won't harm you, like olive oil)

Sep 12, 2014

ChicRoe M.

Neutrogena..I love it.

Sep 12, 2014

Elioni C.

Try a lip care treatment or Vaseline.

Sep 13, 2014

Sejal W.

Maybe you try A+D ointment its for chapped lips works wonders.

Sep 14, 2014

Jil H.

Maybe trying a brown sugar scrub on your lips and THEN applying a moisturizer will work? I have the same problems, especially going into this time of year. But a simple brown sugar, honey, olive/coconut oil scrub works WONDERS! That way you're removing the chapped skin and moisturizing the new skin rather than trying to revive dead skin. I hope this helps!! :)

Sep 14, 2014

Simply A.

Carmex really works for me when I have dry lips, the one in the little tub is best for v. Dry lips.