Need help with really bad sunburn.


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May 14, 2014

Lucy S.

I had a really bad sunburn and now it's peeling and I have a dance on Friday and a date on Saturday I really need it gone.

May 14, 2014

Nicole R.

You can help it by applying both a pure aloe gel and a thick moisturiser to it.

May 14, 2014

Jocelyn S.

Aloe Vera non-stop!!

May 14, 2014

Lucy S.

I can't use aloe though because I'm allergic to it

May 15, 2014

Erica J.

I had sun poisoning and used a combo of things. If you can't use aloe try these:

Soak milk in napkins or towels and wrap it around the area and let it soak in.

Take a black tea bath. The tannin in the tea wi help with the burn.

And keep the area moisturized.