Acne Problem Help!


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May 14, 2014

Jamie R.

Hello lovelies!! I'm having a crazy problem lately with my skin....horrid acne!! not pimples...just red bumps that look like unformed pimples but also along with a few pimples, not sure what to use to get rid of this!

May 14, 2014

Myca E.

I've had my bad skin days too. But ever since I changed my skincare routine, I managed to banish them 100%! Believe it or not, the trick was moisturizing. When your skin needs moisture, it excretes more oil thus clogging the pores which causes pimples and acne. Moisturizing with a non-oily, non-comogenic, and hypoallergnic moisturizer will save your skin. Same goes for our dry skin sisters :D

May 15, 2014

Jamie R.

Right now I use a biore scrub and then moisturizer because I have horrible dry skin.