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Dec 13, 2012

Ceci D.

I need ideas on make up and clothing for a wake/funeral. It's an emergency my mind is drawing blanks.

Dec 13, 2012

Kelly E.

I really like this makeup

Dec 13, 2012

Alyse M.

I think you should do natural makeup. My dads funeral was in sept and personally I think more than natural makeup is just too much- and a friend of mine came to the funeral with too much makeup on and my mom and bf both commented to me. As for what to wear, you should not be revealing at all, wear something classy but you don't have to be too fancy- I wore a plain black sweater dress. You don't have to wear black though. But don't be too casual.

Makeup should be kept at a minimal, not in a rude way, but the funeral isn't about how glam your makeup is, also you never know if your going to shed some tears. As far as dressing, like Alyse said, you dont have to wear all black, but make sure your not wearing anything revealing.

Dec 13, 2012

Natalie T.

As far as makeup, I would wear what you do on an average day, nothing more. Clothing, something demure and sophisticated but nothing too over the top. Like the makeup, I would keep the clothing simple, tasteful, and nice. My wardrobe is almost entirely black and I am going to be a funeral director, so this is all easy for me to do with minimal thought, but I'm assuming most people have a black skirt in their wardrobe. I would wear a black mid length skirt or nice pants, and a dark top or sweater. As far a shoes go-I have sooo many heels and its easy to make things look kinda slutty or too snazzy, so I wouldn't go with anything patent leather or too high. I think you'll be fine in anything, I'd just stay away from red or bright colors or anything shiny. Subtlety is key =) Good luck and I'm sorry for your loss<3

Dec 13, 2012

Catalina S.

I agree with Natalie about wardrobe and make make sure to wear water proof makeup so it doesnt run off.....Im sorry for your loss..... ***hugs***