Weird Question but...


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Jun 6, 2014

Sanjana N.

I've used both.. but I seriously couldn't make any difference lol:-P.

Jun 6, 2014

Joana P.

I think is all about the razor. I was using a pretty expensive razor a few mo thanks a go and was shaving with soap and water and It was fine until I downgraded to a cheaper razor and noticed irritation right away with the soap. I had to swtich to shaving cream and it felt much better :)

Jun 6, 2014

Joana P.

*months ago

Jun 6, 2014

Kat Y.

The foaming ones are easier than soap because you can see where you've shaved but for the most part it's not necessary. I usually just use soap as well. Also, the mens ones are usually cheaper and work just as well.

Jun 6, 2014

Sarah G.

I usually use body wash/soap for my legs and underarms. but use a shave foam on my "lady parts" lol.

Jun 6, 2014

Lara C.

I've used both and I must say it helps me because its soft and also I can tell what I havent done so I don't have patches (I can't see anything in my shower lol). I have very sensitive skin (especially when I shave) and coarse hair and I often get redness and irritation when I don't use a cream (especially when the hair is short). everyone is different.

Jun 6, 2014

Hannah K.

I use conditioner, just normal hair conditioner. Works wonders for me and makes my
legs so soft

Jun 6, 2014

Erica K.

I use soap. I have to shave everyday so it doesn't make a difference to me.

Jun 6, 2014

Ness N.

It just makes it smoother.

Jun 6, 2014

Isabel M.

I don't quite know. But when you are lazy, there are very good razors which have shaving cream included. This probably doesn't make sense. But during shaving you also use the cream... You don't have to apply it. You know, I am gomna give up with this explanation because I don't think anyone gets me haha. But those razors are expensive. They are about €25,- a blade... But You love 'em haha!

Jun 6, 2014

Isabel M.


Jun 7, 2014

Heather I.

I use conditioner as well and it works great.

Jun 7, 2014

Nicole l.

Conditioner actually works better than shaving cream! Plus it makes your legs or whatever your shaving nice and soft! My grandma taught me that!