My thick hair won't stay in a bun.


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Jun 1, 2014

Christine J.

I love the look of messy buns but my thick hair never stays put! I need a billion bobby pins, and even then it drops or hair falls out. Any tips or tricks?

Jun 1, 2014

Marie R.

Maybe try to use a hair tie instead of using just bobby pins and then after you use the hair tie then add bobby pins to secure it more.

Jun 1, 2014

Traci P.

When I'm going to be doing a lot of activity and want my messy bun to stay in place I like to first tie it up with a hairtie, then I little clips instead of Bobby pins to secure all the little pieces where I want them, then add another hair tie and set it with a little hairspray. My hair is down to the top of my bum so I know how difficult it can be to make your bun stay in place.

Jun 1, 2014

Christine J.

Sorry Jacqlyn but you must not have read my whole question...I do use bobby pins. :( hair still falls out

Marie, sorry I didn't clarify but I do use a hair tie (bobby pins to hold it up more) thanks though.

Traci, thanks! I'll try clips next time :)

Jun 1, 2014

Kaitlyn C.

Use more hairbands. I too have thick hair and I use multiple hairbands.

Jun 1, 2014

Zoey A.

Yeah, they have big, thick, stronger ones made for thick hair, they work for me!!

Jun 1, 2014

Anupa M.

Hairspraying the bobby pins before putting them in helps a lot, as does making the bun tighter than you need it and then gently pulling out little sections of hair :) I hope this helps and if you find something that works you should definitely share it with us :D I'm sure that there are lots of girls facing this problem :3

Christine J.

Orange County, CA