Minocycline for Acne: Good or Bad?


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May 28, 2014

Em C.

Been having trouble with my acne for quite some time now I'm thinking of taking minocycline 2tabs (100mg)/day. Any thoughts about it?

May 28, 2014

Kira-louise S.

I agree with em! It's best to go to your doctors and get a professional answer on this as it works differently for people. Have you tried the Paula's Choice range? I tried samples of it a month ago (I've always had pretty good skin but within a week my skin had gotten uncontrollable! Spots all down my neck, same on side of my face, chin, cheeks and forehead only place that didn't have spots was my nose but I had black heads!) after using there samples my skin was nearly back to normal but then I ran out I've just received my order of the full products. They have products for all different skin types and as you can try samples it's not a complete waste of money if they don't work.