Skin care help/Routine.


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May 26, 2014

Mariam A.

Hi beauty's, my face has become horrible for the past week like breaking out, acne, Acne scarring and oily. I have skin care products but I do not think they are working/:
Can you beauty's please list me any miracle products that you think might help with my skin concern? And how do and what do I apply on first, like cleanse and all that. It can be from sephora or anywhere else.
Thank you (:

May 26, 2014

Lindsay M.

Hi! Sometimes when your skin is breaking out a lot, and you use a ton of products, they can actually irritate your skin and make it worse. Although a few tips would to skip any oily or fried foods (especially is you have acne around the mouth), change your pillowcase, and to make sure you're not touching it! If your skin doesn't calm down I would go to a dermatologist or a store or counter that specializes in skin care. Hope I helped!:)

May 26, 2014

Kay B.

Look up the benefits of oatmeal online... I scrub my face with oatmeal every night and is like a miracle!!

May 26, 2014

Kira-louise S.

Hey! Firstly you need to pin point why your skin is breaking out? Is it stress? Have you started to use a new product on your face? Also the weather can cause break outs? Sometimes if you can figure out what is causing the break outs by removing the problem you don't need to buy new products etc.

However, a product I recommend which I've been trying for the last month is Paula's Choice. You can order samples they cost like 70p each and you get a weeks worth out of them so maybe order 3 of each. After the first day of using Paula's choice products I saw a massive difference in my skin! Several spots had gone or reduced in size, some black heads had reduced in size also. I've just finished my samples (I ordered quite a few lol) so now I've ordered the products in fall size okay there expensive but I would rather spend a lot on products I know that work! If you decide to go for Paula's choice let me know how you get on 😊

May 26, 2014

Yasmin S.

The best advice I have for you is to not try and dry out your skin with the hope of the spots/acne drying up because it won't, make sure you are not using a cleanser that foams and contains alcohol as a main ingredient as it will dry out your skin in a bad way, also, oils can help with scarring prevention :)