Hair color opinion 😭


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May 26, 2014

Alexis M.

Would this hair color look okay on me? I love it but I'm so afraid I'm too dark and I'll look "ghetto" for lack of a better word. This is the color.

May 26, 2014

Alexis M.

This is me. Sorry it's an awkward picture it's from prom :p

May 26, 2014

Alexis M.

I have my hair pulled back in the picture. It's almost shoulder length when it's stretched.

May 26, 2014

Anneliese B.

I think it would look good(;

May 26, 2014

Chelsea Z.

Straighten your hair and dye it that color.

May 26, 2014

Alexis M.

Thanks guys :)

May 26, 2014

Autumn B.

I love it! I might actually have to steal this idea! Lol

May 26, 2014

Janet B.

I have waaaay darker skin than yours and I have gone Beyonce blond on many occasions. This works on every skin colour.
The only thing I would say is to leave you natural colour at the roots and get gradually lighter. But not like a dip dye. Wait. I'll find a picture

May 26, 2014

Janet B.

like this

May 26, 2014

Janet B.

Except with the colour you want, obviously.

May 26, 2014

Isabella P.

I actually think it would really look good.