At what age to start doing makeup?


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May 24, 2014

Ysaline A.

In your opinion, at what age should we
Start putting makeup on ourself?
At what age did you start?

May 24, 2014

Claire R.

Eleven. How old are you?

May 24, 2014

Breanna C.

I Think 13 Is Appropriate (Just Not Full Face) I Was Also Around 13 When I Started Wearing Makeup.

May 24, 2014

Ysaline A.

Claire, I'm 15. I started at 12 I think so yeah..

May 24, 2014

Breanna C.

I Also Agree With Jacqlyn Though. If Somebody Has Acne Or Any Other Skin Issue & Makeup Boosts Their Confidence. I Say Go For It!😊

May 24, 2014

Ysaline A.

I do wear makeup, but sometimes I feel like maybe people think I'm too young? I do apply all the jazz! Foundation, bronzer, eye shadow, lipstick.. Etc.

May 24, 2014

Anissa J.

I would say 13 , because we shouldn't care about make up :)

May 24, 2014

Shaye M.

To be honest I started doing a full face in 8th grade half way through my first year of high school, I still had natural red hair and eyebrows were blonde so I got bullied a lot (hence starting so early) but if I could Turn back time I'd probably start at like 15/16 just because from using products on your skin at such a young age really does age your skin, I don't look old and I'm not saying everyone that wears makeup everyday since 10/13 or whatever will ruin there face but my makeup when I was young would never crease and I'd never have lines and with 5 years of everyday usage through high school and partying (not taking it off at night when I was supposed to) has made a difference to my skin IMO over the time so I would want them to wait as long as possible, I now realise you should never wear makeup if somebody is bullying you, yes it made me feel better but it was 6 years until I got over other people's opinions and could leave the house without wearing a full face and started to look at it like "you people don't have to look at me so whatever, don't even care about you or your opinion" and now I'm far too lazy to put on a full face everyday and I'm happy in my own skin I guess, I still dislike a few freckles but I can't get rid of them so I work with them now, not cake loads of products to try and hide them. Sorry for the rant, talking mood I suppose lol! 🙈 sorry if some girls disagree this is just what I would do if I could turn back time lol

May 24, 2014

Shaye M.

Overall I think you should wear it when YOU are ready, not if some immature busy body says "yo, you're ugly" that's just them saying that well, because they're an idiot lol. Keep it natural and always take it off ✌️😉💛

May 24, 2014

Ysaline A.

Wow Thank you for the feed back!

May 24, 2014

Tugba E.

Agree with Shaye M.

May 24, 2014

Sarah L.

I started using mascara at the age of like 11 and then eyeliner at around 12 foundation and the rest at 13. I only recently started doing falsies and eye shadow.

May 24, 2014

Lou C.

I started wearing mascara when I was ~10 years old, for special occasions also eyeshadow, eyeliner etc.
My mum did a full face makeup on me once when we went to a wedding and that was when I completely fell in love with makeup haha. I had quite a chubby face (baby fat lol) when I was younger and I was amazed about how contouring could change my face shape- I still don't contour a lot because I'm so bad at it but I'm practising lol.
I remember a lot of girls that were the same age and they weren't allowed to wear makeup by their parents and I was always happy that my mum supported my passion for makeup- I don't get why it's considered so bad when young girls wear makeup. It doesn't harm anyone and I really did it for fun and not because I was under pressure bc of society's beauty standards or whatever.

(sorry for bad english)

May 24, 2014

Jenny L.

I'm 15, I started when I was about 12, but just the little things like lipgloss, then it progressed to eyeliners and now, I do eyeliner and lipsticks or lip tints. I never do a full face, I'm way too scared of breakouts (not that my skin is flawless lol). I think you should only do foundation and things like that only when you're, you know, starting college, maybe? Your skin will be more... mature, and there will be less chances of clogged pores! Maybe start all the other things at like 12 or 13!

May 24, 2014

Kirin S.

I'm 15 now, and I've never worn any makeup except for lip gloss. I've never had any self confidence issues... I just don't see it as something that's necessary.

May 24, 2014

Tamara W.

Whenever your parents allow it. I think the younger you are the less intense the look. then gradually do more. nothing wrong with practicing at home though. oh and I started at 23. kind of late to some but its your preference

May 24, 2014

Laura L.

I'm 15 now and I started when I was 12 but I used a crap ton of eye makeup. I started wearing bb creams at the age 14 though. now I wear a lot of makeup but makes me confident because I do look completely different without it all and I do get made fun of when I'm not wearing any. its whenever you feel you're ready and your mom will say yes haha.

May 24, 2014

Maggie W.

At twelve I would just wear makeup to cover up blemishes and I would do makeuo that no one could really tell I was wearing any but I would just start with when you feel confident wearing it and when your parents allow it.

May 24, 2014

Saskia K.

I first used makeup when I was about ten, I think I just had some eyeshadow, blush and lip gloss and a clear mascara. I don't think I really started to wear a base until I was about 12, and even then it was usually just a tinted moisturiser. I think I started wearing foundation at about 13, and even now I don't wear makeup everyday. For me I always enjoyed it from a young age, but didn't start to properly do a full face until this year really.

May 24, 2014

Kalah D.

Maybe 12 but only like mascara at 12 and them build up on other products when you get older.

May 24, 2014

Samantha B.

I started at 13 but only wearing eyeliner and mascara.

May 24, 2014

Sarah L.

I started with mascara at 11 and then build it up by the time I was 13 I started using foundation and eye shadow

May 24, 2014

Jennifer G.

I started wearing makeup when I was in sixth grade. But that was just kinda like basic eyeliner lol. As I grew older, I kinda added more and more products like I had some acne so I started using foundation by ninth grade and eyeshadow, mascara, etc. So I don't really think there's an age you should start wearing makeup. Just kinda whatever makes you comfortable. If you don't wanna wear it, don't. If you want to, do it. But I sure wish I had someone teach me how to apply it correctly when I was younger haha!

May 24, 2014

Stephanie B.

When I turned twelve my mom got me one of those make up kits. I was allowed to wear blush eyeshadow and mascara. I wasn't allowed to wear eyeliner until I was fourteen or so and even then if I overdid anything my mom made me tone it down/take it off. I think make up before 11/12 is too young

May 24, 2014

Charen C.

I'm 12 almost 13 (18 more days!!) and I literally just started wearing mascara 3 days ago. I don't know if facial scrubs, facial moisturizer, or facial cleanser counts as "makeup" (I think it doesn't) but I've done facial stuff for almost 2 years. I've seen a lot of 4th graders wearing makeup and I find that too young. But I guess it's just up to the parents, right? So that's my opinion on that.