At What Age Do Girls...


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Jan 27, 2014

Cass F.

You will have two growth spurts. 12-19 and the another 21-26.the second is more for womanly features like broadening of hips, where the fat will distribute etc. The first is more height and teenager things.

Jan 27, 2014

Lisa S.

I'm 18 now and the last time I grew was when I was 13... I know I'm probably not going to grow because practically everyone on my moms side is petite. I'm 5'1 btw

Jan 27, 2014

Shaye M.

Anywhere from 18-22 as far as I know :)

Jan 27, 2014

Melissa P.

I thought I stopped growing when I was like 13-18 But over the past two years I have grown a few inches.