Ladies I need some major help...


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Jan 22, 2014

Sarah J.

Okay I have terrible acne on my chest and top of my back it seems to be getting worse and I don't know why. It makes me extremley self conscious😔 does anyone else have this problem and what have you done to fix it?!? I have got to do something ASAP.

Jan 22, 2014

Adrianna E.

Neutrogena body wash helps for that :)

Jan 22, 2014

Madyson C.

You can use an exfoliater scrub!

Jan 22, 2014

Diana J.

I have them only if I excersise a lot or don,t wash my back carefully after rinsing balsam from hair.
But what do you mean by acne? If comedones - then agree about exfoliating skin about 2 times a week. I use a natural body brush first on dry skin ( read that some models do this) and then on wet with shower cream.:-)

Jan 22, 2014

Diana J.

hair balsam*

Jan 22, 2014

Alex H.

I've had that issue just a few months ago! I found at Ives apricot face scrub helped a lot, and this sounds weird but after the shower rub the inside of the skin of a banana on the affected areas, it really helps with oiliness. In the end I spoke to a doctor and was prescribed Differin and Duac creams to beat the problem, so aside from a few fading scars mines better now :)

Jan 22, 2014

Alex H.

*St Ives apricot scrub.

Jan 23, 2014

Mackenzi B.

It could not actually be moisturized. After you wash, try putting a good moistuzing cream on it.

Jan 23, 2014

Vickie P.

I use to have this problem very severely. Do you wear shirts that are made of polyester? This material makes oils build up on your skin and create break outs. And sometimes you don't realize the material of clothes you wear can cause an increase in breakouts. Also, by wearing cotton shirts it will help absorb your oils therefore decreasing break outs. Another issue is, how long is your hair? Sometimes even shampoo and conditioner on your back from your hair can cause acne. The products get on your hair follicles on your skin which can cause break outs. They are many issues that can cause breakouts on the back n chest. It could also be hormonal. For me when I had this issue none of the over the counter products worked for me, and I used some of the products that some of the ladies above mentioned (they did not work) depending how serious your acne works some of those products will work. However, the best thing to do is see a dermatologist. That's what I did, and I had to take a prescription and that's the only thing that cleared up my acne. Hope this was informative.

Jan 23, 2014

Preeti P.

Vickie is right, get to the root of the problem. No point spending money on new products and the finding it does not work!!

Jan 23, 2014

Preeti P.

Eat healthy, drink water, stop water ever you use stick to a baby soap maybe, and wear cotton clothes. if you see improvement then you know you are allergic, else you should see a dermatologist to guide you further.

Jan 23, 2014

Rebecca V.

St. I've's apricot scrub works great for back amd chest acne:)

Jan 23, 2014

Jazi J.

Do not use harsh products!! Wash with baby shampoo and moisturize with baby lotion.

Jan 23, 2014

Annabelle N.

Once I broke out on my body because I changed laundry soap and dryer sheets.

Jan 24, 2014

Audra B.
