Help With Acne..


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Jan 22, 2014

Amber K.

For the last three years I've have problems with face and body acne because of my hormones due to health issues. the acne is starting to go away on my face but I still have it everywhere else :(. I need help girls. how do I clear up the acne and get rid ofb the scars that its left on my body?

Jan 22, 2014

Haley G.

If you are looking for home remedies -You can apply tea tree oil over the breakouts, you can use a baking soda and water paste, milk of magnesia as wierd as that sounds, or aloe. Hope that helps! 😊

Jan 22, 2014

Paula M.

Bio oil is fantastic for scars but you cannot put it on broken skin.

Jan 24, 2014

Audra B.

Please be super careful if any of you plan on putting any essential oils or apple cider vinegar directly on your skin. I have just recently learned that they alter your skins lipid layer and after prolonged use your skin will be intolerant to any sort of lotion and will just be dry and flaky. your skin just needs to be as balanced as possible and in order to do that you need to establish a regular routine and stick with it. try and stay away from scrubs as exfoliators, they are more harmful then good. for exfoliation try stuff with retinol or salicylic acid. do not use baking soda, lemons, brown sugar or a loofah. they have these really neat exfoliating gloves at the grocery store that works a lot better. I used to have backne so bad in highschool and nothing worked until I found these gloves and started using neutrogena body wash. one more tip, I know I'm sorry for the long post, for spot treatment of your pimples try using a clay mask, that is what they are for (which I never really knew either). they draw the oils out of your pores and you follow up with a mild cleanser afterwards. I am pregnant right now and broke out all over my forehead and I tried this starting on monday and they are almost gone. I've been using argan oil as a moisturizer as recommended by an esthetician and it works so good. I hope some of these tips help at least one of you out there!